

大勢至菩薩法門探討 ──以《楞嚴經.念佛圓通章》為主=Probing into the Dharma Gates of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva ─ based on The Perfect Penetration of Being Mindful of the Buddha in Surangama Sutra
著者 黃氏金
出版サイト https://hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード《楞嚴經》=SurangamaSutra; 大勢至菩薩=Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva; 念佛三昧=the Buddha-recitation Samadhi; 都攝六根=gathering in the six sense organs through; 淨念相繼=continuous pure mindfulness

The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter, “Introduction,” discusses motivation, purpose, and literature review on ancient commentaries and modern academic research. The second chapter, “Relevant Sutra Texts of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva,” first states the origin of sutra texts and doctrines of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. This chapter goes on to analyze relevant important sutra texts according to Surangama Sutra, Compassionate Lotus Sutra “Karuna Pundarika Sutra,” and Contemplation Sutra “Amitayurdhyana Sutra”. Then, the chapter explains Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva of Vajrayana dharma gates, which leads readers to understand how Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva appears in different sutra texts and dharma gates, and how he has compassion and benefits all sentient beings. The third chapter, explores the status, dharma gates, and all-time commentaries of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva in The Perfect Penetration of Being Mindful of the Buddha in Surangama Sutra. Also, it investigates the relevance and interaction between the Preachment of Being Mindful of the Buddha in Surangama Sutra and other dharma gates of being mindful of the Buddha. Secondly, to analyze the Samadhi of the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. Furthermore, displays previous scholars’ viewpoints through interpretations of The Perfect Penetration of Being Mindful of the Buddha made by the Flower Garlan“Huayan” school, the Lotus “Tiantai” school, the Zen school, and the Pure Land “Amidism” school of Buddhism. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the related teachings of the bodhisattva cultivation process in the scriptures. The fifth chapter integrates the arguments from all chapters and then gives the conclusion.Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva used no more than 244 words to conclude the process of Buddhist practice. The seemingly simple principles and similes of “people to people” and “mother and son” human relations, actually contain some profound doctrines. The Preachment of Being Mindful of the Buddha guides people to practice and achieve Samadhi by reciting Buddha’s name. The content is both simple and deep, specific, and generalized, friendly for practitioners with different abilities and nature.Among the four kinds of Buddha-recitation Samadhi, which one was the method of Samadhi for the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva? According to which the Bodhisattva said that it was used mindfulness of the Buddha to enter into patience with the non-existence of beings and phenomena. As per the original intention of the Surangama Sutra, it supposed to be a true reality, But it also has the meaning of recitation, visualizing, and contemplation. As for the three forms of Samadhi by reciting Buddha’s name are either similar or dissimilar to each other according to the causes, conditions, and Buddha’s name chanting merits of the present. However, every sentient beings have the same resolution — seeking the Pure Land and attain the Buddha-path. The dharma gate of “the perfect penetration of being mindful of the Buddha” assimilates practitioners with sharp faculties and sudden faculties, differentiate thoughts on things and reasons and benefit all sentient beings with varied faculties. Therefore, all living creatures
目次摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 1
第三節 文獻回顧 2
一、古代注疏 3
二、現代研究成果 10
第二章 大勢至菩薩的相關經典 14
第一節 大勢至菩薩之語義、名號由來 14
第二節 大勢至菩薩的事蹟記載 16
一、《悲華經》的大勢至菩薩 16
二、《觀無量壽經》的大勢至菩薩 17
三、密教的大勢至菩薩 19
第三章 《楞嚴經》大勢至菩薩的念佛圓通 20
第一節〈楞嚴經.念佛圓通章〉的地位 21
一、〈念佛圓通章〉於二十五圓通的地位 23
二、〈念佛圓通章〉於淨土法門的地位 40
第二節 念佛三昧法門 42
一、念佛三昧 43
二、大勢至菩薩之念佛三昧 46
第三節 諸家之念佛三昧詮釋 51
一、華嚴宗的詮釋 52
二、天台宗的詮釋 58
三、禪宗的詮釋 60
四、淨土宗的詮釋 62
第四章 〈大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章〉的法門要義 66
第一節 上求下化 67
一、自行化他 68
二、攝念佛人 70
第二節 念佛法門 74
一、彌陀淨土 75
二、唯心淨土 80
三、念自念他 86
四、一心專念 94
五、憶佛念佛 99
六、母子相憶 109
七、捨識用根 114
八、入無生忍 121
九、都攝六根,淨念相繼 125
第三節 修證圓滿 127
一、不假方便 127
二、自得心開 134
三、何處見佛 136
第四節 諸家之根大圓通詮釋 148
一、華嚴宗的詮釋 149
二、天台宗的詮釋 151
三、禪宗的詮釋 153
四、淨土宗的詮釋 155
第五章 結論 156
參考文獻 161
表 錄
表一 古代注疏 4
表二 〈大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章〉之書籍 7
表三 現代學界研究成果 8
表四 相關〈念佛圓通章〉之論文與文章 10
表五 大勢至菩薩的三世緣起 20
表六 「都攝六根,淨念相繼」 25
表七 「耳根圓通」與「念佛圓通」相比較 26
表八 觀音菩薩則明選,勢至菩薩則暗選 33
表九 耳根圓通和念佛圓通的特色 35
表十 信自、信他往生淨土 47
表十一 勢至所啟、所修念佛法 53
表十二 「月燈教法」與「五教」之關係 54
表十三 「念佛方法」、「五乘」之關係 54
表十四 「四種念佛」如舟喻 55
表十五 「五教」、「四法界」之關係 55
表十六 「五教」、「三車」之關係 56
表十七 「五種念佛」比對「四法界」 57
表十八 「自他俱念」比對「四種淨土」 59
表十九 「念自佛」比對「四種淨土」 59
表二十 「三種念佛三昧」與「四土」 63
表二十一 華嚴宗、淨土宗、禪宗和天台宗與念佛法門之關係 64
表二十二 「攝念佛人歸於淨土」 72
表二十三 五十二個階位 73
表二十四 「自心佛」 83
表二十五 天台四教判析三種念佛之差別 88
表二十六 依六根而修念佛三昧 89
表二十七 續法之事、理念佛觀點 92
表二十八 念三身佛 92
表二十九 百種果報 93
表三十 相關一心專念之經文 94
表三十一 「二人喻」 109
表三十二 《楞嚴經文句》之如母憶子喻 111
表三十三 《般舟三昧經.行品第二》舉出類似的譬喻 111
表三十四 二十五位聖賢圓通本根 119
表三十五 「不假方便」 130
表三十六 「佛真心即眾生真心」 139
表三十七 「見佛」之內容 141
表三十八 「根大圓通」 150
表三十九 根大 151

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