

曇鸞大師的淨土思想及其實踐=The Pure Land Thought and Practice of Master Tanluan
著者 李宗翰 (著)=Li, Tsung - han (au.)
出版サイト https://oh.hfu.edu.tw/main.php
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官王隆升 = Wang, Lung - sheng
キーワード曇鸞 = Tanluan; 世親 = Vasubandhu; 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈 = Verses on the Pure Land Aspired for by Queen Vaidehi; 二道二力說 = Two Paths Two Powers Doctrine; 十念 = Ten Recitations
抄録 淨土宗之所以能廣泛流傳至今,主要是曇鸞註解了世親菩薩的論著――《無量壽優婆提舍願生偈》,又稱為《往生論》或《淨土論》。這本論註對後世的淨土思想產生了巨大影響,尤其傳入日本後,形成了日本淨土宗及淨土真宗等教派,而這兩宗派均將曇鸞奉為祖師。
The widespread of the Pure Land Buddhism to this day is mainly attributed to the commentary provided by Master Tanluan on the treatise of Bodhisattva Vasubandhu, known as the "Verses on the Pure Land Aspired by Queen Vaidehi," also called the "Contemplation Sutra" or "Pure Land Sutra." This commentary greatly influenced subsequent Pure Land thought, especially after its introduction to Japan, which led to the formation of schools such as Jodo Shinshu and Jodo Shu, both of which revere Master Tanluan as their patriarch.
In the daily life of Master Tanluan, he engaged in both the practice and in-depth research and annotation on theory of Pure Land thought. He proposed two fundamental points for the Pure Land Buddhism. The first is the "Two Paths, Two Powers Doctrine," asserting that in the pursuit of the Buddha's path, there are two paths: the difficult path and the easy path. In the corrupt age devoid of a Buddha's presence, the difficult path involves seeking enlightenment without retreating. This is considered difficult because during the absence of Buddha, "only through self-power, without reliance on others" can one strive for enlightenment, akin to walking on land, which is exceedingly challenging. This self-power is the difficult path. On the other hand, having faith in the Buddha and reciting the name of Amitabha with one’s heart, entrusting in the Buddha's original vow, aligning with Mahayana Samadhi concentration and being reborn in the Pure Land. This is like sailing on the water, where assistance from external forces makes the journey both effortless and likely to achieve its goal. The second point is the "Advocacy of Vocal Recitation," as stated in "Brief Commentary on the Meaning of Rebirth in the Blissful Pure Land": “That it is also appropriate for three or five like-minded individuals to collectively pledge, at the time of approaching the end of life, to remind and encourage each other to recite the name of Amitabha, aspiring for birth and nurturing in the Pure Land, that with each utterance succeeding one another, and making up ten recitations." This method is primarily focused on vocal recitation and name chanting, which deviates from previous meditation-based practices. It simplifies the approach, as highlighted in the final line of the "Contemplation Sutra," emphasizing a simple and easy path to attain the unsurpassed enlightenment of Buddhahood.
目次摘 要 I
Abstract III
目 次 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻探討與整理 3
一、學位論文 3
(一)《淨土論》與《淨土論註》的研究 3
(二) 曇鸞的學思歷程研究 4
(三) 彌陀淨土和其他淨土之研究 4
(四) 念佛思想研究 5
二、期刊論文 5
(一) 對照北魏金石碑銘的資料,探究其淨土思想的特色及意義所在 5
(二) 以「迴向」為淨土思想的核心概念 6
(三) 以「十念相續」與「生而無生」為核心之探討 6
三、研究現況概述 7
第三節 研究方法與範圍 7
第四節 論文架構 8
第二章 曇鸞的生平與歷史背景 11
第一節 生平 11
一、所處的時代 11
二、四論宗之祖 12
三、尋仙問道 13
四、授與仙經 14
五、迴心入淨 15
六、石壁念佛 15
七、往生極樂 16
第二節 淨土思想的傳入 17
一、龍樹的淨土思想 17
二、世親的淨土思想 20
第三節 歷史背景 22
第三章 曇鸞的淨土思想與實踐 27
第一節 淨土思想的淵源 27
第二節 曇鸞淨土思想的旨要 30
一、「二道二力」說 31
(一) 易行與難行:「二道二力」之思想形成 31
(二) 阿毘跋致:淨土「易行與他力」之修行成就 33
二、無生之生 35
三、他力本願說 39
四、持名念佛與十念往生 41
五、往還迴向,成佛利他 44
六、畢竟成佛論 45
第四章 世親《往生論》與曇鸞《往生論註》的淨土思想 47
第一節 世親《往生論》 47
一、五念門 48
(一) 禮拜門 51
(二) 讚歎門 53
(三) 作願門 54
(四) 觀察門 56
(五) 迴向門 61
二、五功德門 61
第二節 曇鸞《往生論註》 63
一、難行道與易行道的判教分齊 63
二、難行道之思想論述 64
(一) 外道相善,亂菩薩法 64
(二) 聲聞自利,障大慈悲 64
(三) 無賴惡人,破他聖德 65
(四) 顛倒善果,能壞梵行 66
(五) 唯是自力,無他力持 67
三、易行道之思想論述 67
四、長行解義分十重 69
(一) 願偈大意 70
(二) 起觀生信 70
(三) 觀察體相 71
(四) 淨入願心 74
(五) 善巧攝化 74
(六) 離菩提障 75
(七) 順菩提門 76
(八) 名義攝對 78
(九) 願事成就 79
(十) 利行滿足 80
第五章 結論 81
參考文獻 83
一、佛教經論 (依CBETA經號排序) 83
二、專書著作 84
三、期刊論文 86
四、學位論文 87
五、網路資料 88

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