

法華三昧之研究——慧思與智顗間之薪火傳承與解行異同=A study of the Lotus Samadhi—taking Huisi’s and Zhi-yi as the object
著者 王芬蘭 (著)=Wang, Fen-lan (au.)
出版サイト https://oh.hfu.edu.tw/main.php
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官釋昭慧 = Shi, Chao - hwei, 陳娟珠 = Chen, chuan - chu
キーワード慧思 = Huisi; 智顗 = Zhiyi; 法華三昧 = Lotus Samadhi; 安樂行義 = Anlexing yi; 法華三昧懺儀 = The Lotus Samadhi Repentance Ceremony; 摩訶止觀 = Mohozhiguan
抄録 「法華三昧」一詞最早出現於《法華經》,但在《法華經》中對「法華三昧」的定義、實踐,並無深入闡述。反而在慧思、智顗的努力下,「法華三昧」修證理論逐漸清晰,實踐次第逐漸具體。由此得知,慧思、智顗的法華三昧思想理論、實踐方法對法華三昧行者具指標性意義。

The term "Lotus Samadhi" first appeared in the Lotus Sutra, However, there is no explanation for the definition and practice of "Lotus Samadhi" in the Lotus Sutra. On the contrary, with the efforts of Huisi and Zhiyi, the theory of " Lotus Samadhi" practice has gradually become clear, and the practice steps have gradually become more concrete. From this we know that Huisi and Zhiyi’s Lotus Samadhi have indicative significance for Lotus Samadhi practitioners.
Huisi believes that Lotus Samadhi is a non- sequence method practiced by those with powerful Mahayana roots. Take "practice with form" and "practice without form" as practice methods, and focus more on "practice without form".The practice of non-appearance is based on the profound Zen method, combined with emptiness, to show the thought of the Buddha Vehicle in(Eka-yāna一乘思想) the Lotus Sutra, and to regard all living beings as Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Huisi's thoughts on the Lotus Samadhi cover: the view of the Lotus Sutra as "the Supreme Lotus Sutra"; and on the basis of the pure dharma body possession of the Tathagata in all living beings, the main purpose of the Lotus Sutra is summarized in the meaning of "wonderful", "wonderful" "It means taking "all living beings" as the main body and other thoughts.
Zhiyi's Lotus Samadhi is to practice "non-sequence" practices and teach " sequence -by- sequence " confession rituals:to show the initial movement, those who practice for a long time can directly start with the "anlexing pen(〈安樂行品〉)". I n terms of the correct view of reality, in addition to the view of emptiness, it also integrates the three views of one mind(一心三觀) to develop the ten vehicle contemplation method.(十乘觀法)
The similarities and differences between Huisi and Zhiyi's " Lotus Samadhi" in inheritance and interpretation can be learned from three directions: "The source of the scriptures of the Lotus Samadhi", "The thought theory of the Lotus Samadhi", and "the practice method of the Lotus Samadhi". There is no doubt that those who practice Huisi's Lotus Samadhi or Zhiyi's Lotus Samadhi can both prove the Lotus Samadhi.
This thesis is divided into six chapters. In addition to the introduction of the first chapter and the conclusion of the sixth chapter, the main text is divided into four chapters: "Analysis of the Lotus Samadhi in the Lotus Sutra", " Analysis of Huisi's Lotus Samadhi ", " Analysis of Zhiyi's Lotus Samadhi", " Zhiyi's Inheritance and Innovation of Huisi's Lotus Samadhi ".The whole thesis takes " Lotus Samadhi" as the main axis.The focus of the discussion is on the exploration of the Lotus Samadhi of Huisi and the Lotus Samadhi of Zhiyi, supplemented by comparing the differences between the Lotus Samadhi of the Lotus Sutra, the Lotus Samadhi of Huisi and the Lotus Samadhi of Zhiyi, and then come to the conclusion that Zhiyi’s understanding of Huisi The similarities and differences between the inheritance of the Lotus Samadhi and the interpretation:similarities and Differences in Huisi’s and Zhiyi’s Lotus Samadhi Writings, similarities and differences between Huisi and Zhiyi’s thoughts and theories of Lotus Samadhi, similarities and differences in the practice metho
目次摘 要 I
目 次 V
圖目次 VIII
表目次 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 5
一、研究範圍 5
二、研究方法 6
第三節 相關文獻回顧 7
一、原典與宗義文獻 7
二、《法華經》法華三昧相關文獻 9
三、慧思與智顗法華三昧相關文獻 12
第四節 論文章節的述要 20
第二章 《法華經》法華三昧之分析 23
第一節 中國早期《法華經》流傳概況 23
一、《法華經》流傳的時代背景 23
二、慧思之前《法華經》在中國的傳譯及注釋 25
三、慧思之前僧侶行持《法華經》概況 30
第二節 法華三昧的出處與定義 33
一、法華三昧的出處 33
二、法華三昧的定義 36
第三節 法華三昧的修持資糧與方法 46
一、妙音菩薩 47
二、華德菩薩(妙莊嚴王) 49
三、淨眼菩薩(藥王菩薩) 52
四、常不輕菩薩 57
第三章 慧思法華三昧之分析 61
第一節 慧思的修證歷程 61
一、養成時期:誕生~34歲 63
二、教化時期:34歲~53歲 67
三、隱棲時期:54歲~入寂 70
第二節 慧思法華三昧的著作 73
一、《安樂行義》的組織架構 74
二、《安樂行義》的經論依據及內容大意 77
第三節 慧思法華三昧的思想內容 86
一、法華經觀:《法華經》是大乘頓覺的法門 86
二、以「眾生」義詮釋《法華經》之之「妙」義 90
三、眾生身轉如來身之樞紐 92
第四節 慧思法華三昧的實踐方法 96
一、法華三昧之前行 97
二、法華三昧之正行 99
三、法華三昧之助行 116
第四章 智顗法華三昧之分析 119
第一節 智顗的修證歷程 119
一、賢山潛修時期 119
二、大蘇妙悟時期 120
三、金陵弘法時期 124
四、天台圓悟時期 125
五、江淮遊徙時期 126
第二節 智顗法華三昧的著作 128
一、《法華懺》 129
二、《摩訶止觀》 153
三、《法華懺》與《摩訶止觀》「法華三昧」之別 157
第三節 智顗法華三昧的思想內容 159
一、法華三昧之體 159
二、法華三昧之行 170
三、法華三昧之名 173
第四節 智顗法華三昧的實踐方法 178
一、懺前之方便 178
二、正修行之法 179
第五章 智顗對慧思法華三昧的傳承與創新 209
第一節 慧思與智顗法華三昧著作的異同 209
一、慧思與智顗法華三昧著作—經典依據的異同 210
二、慧思與智顗法華三昧著作—組織結構的異同 218
三、慧思與智顗法華三昧著作—表達方式的異同 219
第二節 慧思與智顗法華三昧思想理論之異同 220
一、慧思與智顗《法華經》觀之異同 220
二、慧思與智顗詮釋「妙法蓮華」之異同 221
第三節 慧思與智顗法華三昧實踐方法之異同 232
一、慧思與智顗實踐「法華三昧」行持之異同 233
二、慧思與智顗詮釋「法華三昧」證果之異同 235
第六章 結論 239
附 錄 243
參考文獻 279
一、佛教古籍 279
二、專書 282
三、期刊論文 285
四、學位論文 290
五、網路資源 292
六、工具書 293
七、補助專題 294

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