

拈花微笑-溫瑞瑩佛教花藝創作研究=Holding the Flower and Smiling- Research on Buddhist Floral Arts of Wen, Jui-Yin
著者 溫瑞瑩 (著)=Wen, Jui-yin (au.)
出版サイト https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官林素玟=Lin, Su-wen, 李麗淑=Li, Li-shu
キーワード中華花藝=Chinese floral art; 佛教插花=Buddhist flower arrangement; 禪花=Zen flowers; 花藝創作=floral creation
抄録 世尊在靈山會上,拈花示眾,眾皆默然,唯迦葉尊者破顏微笑,世尊云:「吾有正法眼藏,涅槃妙心,實相無相,微妙法門,不立文字,教外別傳,付囑摩訶迦葉。」這是禪宗史上的第一則公案,也是禪宗的起源。
During the Assembly on Vulture Peak, the World-Honored One held a flower and gazed at the crowd. Everyone was silent except Mahakashyapa, who broken into a smile. Thereupon the World-Honored One said, “I have the true Eye of Dharma, the profound Mind of nirvana, the Reality transcending all forms, the supreme and subtle teaching, inexpressible by speech and words, a special transmission outside the teaching; I now pass this on to Mahakashyapa.” This is the first koan in the history of Zen Buddhism and the origin of Zen Buddhism.
The act of "holding up a flower" symboli zes the "wondrous function" of this mind. This very mind remains empty and unmoved, yet it can give rise to all phenomena according to conditions. The mind that can smile and the mind that can hold up a flower—they are equal, not different. Smiling and holding up a flower are both functions of this very mind. If one can realize this very mind, one’s life will be infinite. If one work hard in this direction, one will have the most beautiful and happy life.
Chinese floral art traces its roots to the Buddhist flower offerings of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, persisting for over 1,500 years and extending to contemporary Taiwan. The Chinese Floral Arts Foundation, through innovative research and promotion over the last thirty years, has elevated Chinese floral art to a cultural treasure in Taiwan. Drawing on this rich artistic culture, the author integrates it with Buddhist classics to create contemporary Buddhist flower artworks, aiming to benefit future learners of flower art. The beauty of flowers is believed to provide healing and solace to the body and soul of modern individuals;furthermore, to help realize this present mind.
The thesis structure is as follows: Chapter 1 covers research motivation, purpose, methodology, and literature review. Chapter 2 delves into the definition and historical origins of Buddhist flower arrangement. Chapter 3 explores the four major types of Chinese floral art, detailing the content and characteristics of landscape flowers, ideal flowers, mental image flowers, and styling flowers. This chapter also encompasses the beauty of the six major flower containers in Chinese floral arts, discussing the expression forms and characteristics of vase, plate, jar, bowl, cylinder, and basket. Chapters 4 include creative concepts, work analysis, and work technique analysis, examining and discussing floral artworks from the personal graduation exhibition. Chapter 5 concludes with research experience, reflections on Buddhist flower arrangement creation, and an outlook for the future.
目次摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 次 IV
圖 次 VI
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
(一)研究動機 1
(二)研究目的 2
第二節 研究範圍與方法 2
(一)研究範圍 2
(二)研究方法, 3
第三節 文獻探討 4
(一)中華花藝類 4
(二)佛教典籍類 5
第二章 佛教插花的歷史淵源 9
第一節 佛教插花的定義 9
第二節 佛教供花的歷史淵源 10
第三章 中華花藝類型的探討分析 13
第一節 中華花藝的六大器型 13
第二節 中華花藝的四大類型 15
第四章 創作理念及技巧分析 21
第一節 佛典中的花 21
作品一 三具足 21
作品二 莊嚴佛供 24
作品三 借花獻佛 27
作品四 曇花一現 31
作品五 天女散花 34
作品六 空花水月 37
作品七 妙華供佛 41
作品八 瓶供 44
第二節 禪詩中的花 47
作品一 吾心似秋月 48
作品二 蓮花處處開 52
作品三 欲悟山空為佛事 55
作品四 月色松聲總見聞 59
作品五 綠水青山是我家 63
作品六 何須待零落 66
作品七 但能放下自天然 70
作品八 雪裡梅花初放 73
作品九 春有百花秋有月 76
第五章 結論 81
第一節 研究心得與省思 81
第二節 未來展望 82
參考書目 83

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