《特心經》特殊用詞與譯經風格分析=An Analysis of the Terminology and Style of the Texin jing |
著者 |
釋繼穩 =Shi, Ji-wen
掲載誌 |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.10 |
出版年月日 | 2006.03.01 |
ページ | 1 - 42 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為中華佛學研究所畢業 |
キーワード | 特心=texin; 持心=chixin; 思益=siyi; 勝思惟=sheng siwei; 梵天所問經=sheng siwei |
抄録 | 佛教從印度傳入中國,經典翻譯是重要工程。一部佛典有時只翻譯過一次,而有些則一再重譯。《特心經》屬於翻譯的佛經,於西元286年由西晉竺法護所譯,全名為《特心梵天所問經》。其異譯本尚有姚秦鳩摩羅什《思益梵天所問經》、後魏菩提留支《勝思惟梵天所問經》。前者於西元403年譯出,是第二譯;後者則譯於西元518年,第三譯。目前看到的各版本《特心經》皆寫為《持心經》,不過根據僧叡《〈思益經〉序》以及從藏譯本和梵語經名考察,「持」字應是「特」字之訛。本文為了還原法護這個譯本之名稱,所以稱之《特心經》,而不用《持心經》。《特心經》中有若干用詞很特別,不易理解,而且還有一些句型不合乎中文表達的習慣,因而造成解讀上的困難。本文即試圖分析這些特殊用語、句子,並從中窺見法護譯經的風格,以期熟稔早期漢譯佛典的翻譯情形,俾使往後研讀佛經時有所幫助。關於《特心經》的特殊用語,意思與今日普遍熟知的語意不同,甚至讀音也不一樣。本文列舉其中五個語詞來探究,即:感動、療、約時、時節、蠱狐。至於該經的風格,筆者分為兩點討論,所謂非漢文的表達方式和譯詞多元化。論及本文研究方法則是藉由比對《特心經》異譯本,考量其上下文,並參考漢、梵、藏辭書、《一切經音義》以及中國非佛學古籍等,然後推理、結論。
目次 | 一、前言 3 二、《特心經》特殊用語分析 4 (一)感動 (二)療 (三)約時、時節 (四)蠱狐 三、法護譯經風格 28 (一)非漢文句型 (二)譯詞多元化 四、結語 35
Abstract: Because Buddhism came to China from India, translation was an important project. Some Buddhist texts were translated once, while others were translated repeatedly. The Texin jing 特心經was translated in 286 C.E. by Zhu Fahu. The full name of the text is Texin Fantian suowen jing. A second translation was done by Kumārajīva in 403 (T no. 586) and Bodhiruci in 518 (T no. 1532). In all extant versions, “Texin jing” is written as Chixin jing 持心經. However, according to Sengrui’s preface to Kumārajīva’s translation, and on the basis of comparison with Tibetan and Sanskrit versions of the sūtra, chi 持 is an incorrect rendering of te 特. This article proposes to restore the title of Zhu Fahu’s translation, therefore, I use “Texin jing” to refer to the text. The Texin jing contains many unique terms, which are difficult to understand, and there are some sentence constructions which do not conform to Chinese usage, causing difficulties for the reader. This article attempts to analyze these terms and structures to obtain a description of Zhu Fahu’s style. From this it is hoped that an increased understanding of early Buddhist translations may be gained. In the Texin jing, unique terminology cannot be understood by the usage of those terms in the present, and likewise modern pronunciation is often different from the ancient. This article explores five such terms: gandong 感動, liao 療, yueshi 約時, shijie 時節, and gugu 蠱狐. The author discusses two aspects of style in this text: non-Chinese expression, and plurality of translations. A comparative method will be employed, involving different translations of this text, while considering context. The following works will also be consulted: Chinese, Sanskrit, and Tibetan dictionaries; Yiqie jing yinyi; non-Buddhist classical Chinese texts. |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
ヒット数 | 3245 |
作成日 | 2006.12.07 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.28 |
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