覺意三昧與四句無生門=Bodhy-samādhi and Four Sentence about No-arising |
著者 |
賴賢宗 =Lai, Shen-chon
掲載誌 |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.9 |
出版年月日 | 2004.12 |
ページ | 139 - 174 |
出版者 | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 智者大師; 天台止觀; 覺意三昧; 摩訶止觀; 破法遍; 四運心; 智顗 |
抄録 | 智者大師的《覺意三昧》(全名是《釋摩訶般若波羅蜜經覺意三昧》)和《摩訶止觀》的四種三昧皆闡明「覺意三昧」,「覺意三昧」是天台止觀不僅是綜合了大小乘禪法,也是天台止觀的最為核心的修持法門。本文分為五節分別探討覺意三昧在大小乘禪法和慧思、智者大師天台止觀之中的演變過程 (第一節)。釐清覺意三昧的道次第,以及其對於晚期智者大師思想的六即的道次第思想之影響 (第二節)。從「四運心」與「四句推檢」,展開覺意三昧的修持法門「入觀門」 (第三節)。最後,闡明智者大師的晚期圓頓止觀思想之中的覺意三昧,尤其是從《摩訶止觀》的「破法遍」來釐清覺意三昧的思想基礎 (第四、五節)。
T’ien-t’ai Zhiyi (538-597 智顗) in his early monograph Bodhy-samādhi (《覺意三昧》) and late period book Mohe-zhiguan have exposittd the thought of bodhy-samādhi. In his exposition, bodhy-samādhi is not only a synthesis of the meditation method of Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism, but also the most important meditation in T’ien-t’ai Buddhism. In this article, I exposit the course of the development of bodhy-samādhi in the history of Buddhism, and tackle the topic of the relationship of six “Chi” (Identity) and the six kind of seven Bodhy-samādh. After the exposition of the method of bodhy-samādhi in T’ien-t’ai Zhiyi’s different books, I tackle the theory of bodhy-samādhi from the perspective of “destruction of the attachment to all beings” in Mohe-zhiguan, in order to explain the relationship between bodhy-samādhi and T’ien-t’ai Chi-I’s late teaching about perfect teaching. |
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
ヒット数 | 2412 |
作成日 | 2006.12.14 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.27 |

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