陳進〈釋迦行誼圖〉之研究=A Study of Chen Chin's The Buddha's Work |
著者 |
徐一智 (著)=Hsu, Yi-chih (au.)
掲載誌 |
法光學壇=Dharma Light Lyceum
巻号 | n.8 |
出版年月日 | 2004.01.01 |
ページ | 191 - 230 |
出版者 | 法光佛教文化研究所=Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 陳進=Chen Chin; 釋迦行誼圖=The Buddha's Work; 膠彩畫=glue colour painting; 佛傳圖=pictorial representation of the Buddha's life; 釋迦牟尼佛=WAkyamuni |
抄録 | 陳進是台灣少數留日的出色女畫家。她生於新竹縣,經父親的鼓勵下,留學日本,就讀於東京女子美術學校。師從結城素明、松林桂月、鏑木清方和山川秀峰等大家,學習繪製人物畫作,並且獲得多次日本帝國美術展覽會和台灣美術展覽會的獎項肯定,在台灣藝壇中,其為著名的膠彩畫家。但是國民政府遷台後,卻因為她所從事的東洋畫作,被認為非屬中國傳統藝術,而遭受到排斥。於人生受挫之際,陳進畫業風格轉向內心情感的探索,<釋迦行誼圖>便是表現出自己內心之宗教信仰。此系列作品不僅讓陳進開創出新的繪畫體裁,由於它純依陳進的巧思,來創作完成,風格便異於敦煌和台灣民間同題材的作品,故在台灣藝術發展史上,實佔有重要的地位,值得被重視與研究。
Chen Chin was one of the few female Taiwanese painters educated in Japan who attained fame. She was born in Hsinchu County and, encouraged by her father, went to Japan to enrol at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts for Girls. She studied under several Japanese masters specializing in human portrayal, and received a number of awards when she participated in Imperial art exhibitions in both Japan and Taiwan. In artistic circles in Taiwan, she was famous as a glue colour painter. However, after the Republican Government’s move to Taiwan Chen Chin found less acceptance since her Japanese style was not regarded as traditional Chinese art. Yet thanks to this disappointment her work turned towards the exploration of the inner world of feelings. The Buddha’s Work discussed here, for example, is an expression of her religious faith. With this series of paintings she moved to a new genre, and since she worked completely with her own imagination, her style differs from depictions of the same scenes as found in Dunhuang and Taiwanese folk art. Thus it is worthwhile to emphasise and study these paintings which are of importance for the history of Taiwanese art. |
ヒット数 | 2652 |
作成日 | 2006.12.22 |
更新日期 | 2017.08.24 |
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