基督新教與人間佛教的現世關懷 -- 經典編纂的比較研究=The Mundane Concern between the Protestant and the Mundane Buddhism: A Comparative study on Canon Compiling |
著者 |
尤惠貞 (著)=You, Huey-jen (au.)
翟本瑞 (著)=Jai, Ben-ray (au.)
掲載誌 |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal
巻号 | n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2001.03.01 |
ページ | 39 - 56 |
出版者 | 佛光山文教基金會=Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture & Education |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 翟本瑞(南華大學社會學研究所教授),尤惠貞(南華大學哲學研究所副教授) |
キーワード | 基督新教=Protestant; 人間佛教=Mundane Buddhism; 宗教詮釋=interpretation of religions; 經典編纂=Canon compiling; 宗教比較=religious comparison of religion |
抄録 | 韋伯認為在世界諸宗教裡,只有基督新教因著教義上的絕對性格,信徒對《聖經》的嚴格信守,讓信仰與現世間的緊密聯結無從消解,自發地開展出現世宰制的價值觀。本文從當前台灣社會中,佛教徒積極參與社會活動,檢視人間佛教如何能從原始佛教的特殊教義與出世特質中,發展出現世關懷的態度。 依本文之研究,即使是西方各宗教,都可視為同一宗教傳統,藉由經典編纂之差異而產生的不同宗派,就其形式意義而言,與佛教各教派發展沒有太大差異。整體而言,內在於各宗教經典中仍存在著相當程度的詮釋空間,因此,傳衍中的宗教,得以在時代的變遷中展現出其現世關懷的態度與特質。
[Abstract] According to Max Weber’s researches, based on the absoluteness of the religious doctrine toward the Bible, the Protestant is the only religion among all worldly religions carries out the world-mastery attitude toward mundane life. Lots of Buddhists actively involve themselves to all kinds of social activities, the authors in the paper exam how the Buddhist could develop the inner-worldly anticipation toward “this world” through the re-interpretation of original Canon. Even the Occidental religions could be treated as differential sects of the same Religion through the process of Canon compiling and text-interpretation which is much likes Buddhist developments in the Oriental counterparts. As the matter of fact, even the most restrictive religious Canons in the world still tolerate a certain interpretative spaces which make all different changes possible. Nearly all religions modify their interpretations toward Canon in a certain degree in order to face contemporary mundane world. |
ISSN | 1609476X (P) |
ヒット数 | 1941 |
作成日 | 2009.07.27 |
更新日期 | 2017.10.12 |
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