中國早期禪法的流傳和特點 -- 慧皎, 道宣所著「習禪篇」研究 |
著者 |
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
掲載誌 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal
巻号 | n.7 |
出版年月日 | 1984.09 |
ページ | 63 - 99 |
出版者 | 中華學術院佛學研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為加拿大馬克斯特大學宗教系主任 |
キーワード | 禪宗=Zen Buddhism=Zazen Buddhism; 中國禪法; 禪史; 四禪; 習禪 |
抄録 | 本文以「高僧傳」和「續高僧傳」所記「習禪篇」為中 心,研究了中國早期的禪法流傳和特點. 研究證明小乘禪法 在公元第二世紀,介紹入華;大乘禪法的傳譯,開始於第三 世紀. 五世紀初禪學典籍曾被大量譯出. 由五世紀末年到七 世紀中葉,禪法在中國有了實質性的發展:由個人獨習變為 集體努力,中華禪典的創作和取代譯本,師資承傳的重視, 和宗派的形式. 當時的宗派,四家最為著名:中原的「念處 」禪法,江洛間的「壁觀」,江南的天台止觀和華北的頭 陀行. 其中「壁觀」一家的達摩禪法,後來人多勢眾,形成 有名的禪宗. 其他諸家,未能繼續;只有天台宗,以「教門 」而流傳. 習禪之事遂成禪宗一家的世界.
Based on the statements in the two collections of the Biographies of the Eminent Monks, compiled by Hui-chiao (497-554) and Tao-hsuan (596-667) respectively,the study finds that the Buddhist meditative texts were transmitted to China in the 2nd century A.D. A hundred years later,`Mahayana` meditation was introduced by Dharmaraksa. With the arrival of Kuamarajiva and Buddhabhadra, more works on meditations were translated. From the later decades of the 5th century till the middle of the 7th century A.D.,the practices of Buddhism meditation had a number of new developments:from individual to group efforts; Chinese compositions replaced the translated texts; emphasis was placed on the lineage of transmission and the formation of schools.
By the 7th century,there were four schools of meditation,and the Ch'an school began by Bodhidharma is one of them. At the same time,the disregard of monastic disciplines and scriptural knowledge by some meditative monks have been criticized by the biographer. And these developments ultimately paved the way for the later development of Ch'an sects. |
目次 | 「高僧傳」所記的禪史 65 道宣的記載和批評 77 結論 92
ヒット数 | 1739 |
作成日 | 1998.07.22
更新日期 | 2017.08.17 |
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