著者 |
掲載誌 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal
巻号 | n.8 |
出版年月日 | 1985.10 |
ページ | 359 - 418 |
出版者 | 中華學術院佛學研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 永明延壽; 一心理事觀; 華嚴宗; 法界觀 |
抄録 | 宋釋永明延壽繼華嚴宗一心理事之說,明事事無礙之旨 歸,以理事具攝於一心中,一心中觀理事,於是「一心」中 ,萬法歸一. 「相」係心所役,「心」係相所依,依役不二 ,心相一如,一心者,實根識境三和合之力用感知,故一歸 何處? 以一心明理事無礙,觀周偏含容之理事無礙,因此智 照深達自心,因「心相」而得證佛地之深廣.
永明以「一心圓融」,寄理事彰之. 理者,心之體,以 體寂邊,在一為內,在多為外. 事者,心之用,以用動邊, 以一為內,以多為外. 故一多內外,相偏相在,了無障礙, 以根識境和合相應之一心,心相一如. 一心之體是理,一心 之用即事,故理是心之性,事是心之相,性相俱心,相在無 礙. 一切無邊分限差別之事,是心之所役,所役役者,諸相 宛然,歸諸於心,不動而動,動而復靜,理即事,事如理, 理性溶融,自然大小相含,一多即入. 因此心體用,理事 無礙,性相不二. 一心相應故,諸相皆得滅度,如食物消化 變為體力,識食亦如是「會」之於心,一心相應,心相直覺 感知,心慧照用,是應無所住而生其心之一念「心相」,於 是一念相應慧即此「心相」之事用,悉知悉覺悉見悉證悉修 悉斷,其中無分別,離分別,無種種,無差別,無功德,無 境界,非有非無,無一無二. 以無知知一切知,無見見一切 見,此明心見性之一心大用,現事事無礙,周遍含容之勝境.
永明以一心會根識境,寄理體事用而彰之,理體心之性 ,事用心之相,性相不二. 一心圓融,心相即慧,慧觀即事 ,事心如理故事事無礙,此無礙斯一心華嚴之富貴,大方廣 之佛地,華嚴禪心,一心圓融故,一心自在故.
Master Yung-ming Yen-shou of the Sung dynasty carried on the Hua-yen School teaching of i-hsin,Li ,and shih, and elucidated the central ideal of the unbostructedness of all shih. Both li and shih are comprised and contemplated within i-hsin. Thus, in i-hsin,all things return to one. Appearances are subordinate to mind and mind relies on appearances. The relying and the subordinate do not differ,mind and appearance are one. I-hsin actually is the powerful function and intuitive knowledge arising from the meeting of sense bases, sense objects, and consciousness. So where does the "one" return to? It is by i-hsin that one comprehends the unobstructedness of li and shih as well as the all-embracing unobstructedness of all shih, and arrives at the depths of one's mind through this illumination by wisdom. The profundity and vastness of the Buddha state are realized by "mind" and "appearances".
Yung-ming elucidated the "encompassing perfection of i-hsin" through li and shih. Li is the substance of the mind. Because substance is the still aspect it is inner,if one,and outer,if many. Shih is the function of mind. Bacause function is the moving aspect it treats the one as inner and the many as outer. Therefore,one and many,inner and outer both exist everywhere without hindrance. Through i-hsin which is the interaction of sense bases, sense objects, and consciousness, mind and appearances do not differ. The substance of i-hsin is li,its function shin. Li is therefore the nature of mind and shih its appearance. Mind comprises both nature and appearances; they co-exist without hindrance. All boundless, separate and different shih are subordinate to mind,but their superior and appearances are alike. Reduced to mind they are still and yet move,they move and,again,are still. Li and shih are identical. Li,the nature,is the melting pot where great and small encompass each other naturally and one and many penetrate each other in an instant. Thus the essence and the function of i-hsin,Li and shih are unobstructed. As they are in agreement with i-hsin,nature and appearances do not differ. All appearances are dissolved. Just like food transforms through digestion into physical strength the food of consciousness merges into mind. Interacting with i-hsin the mental appearance intuitively knows. This illuminating function of wisdom is the mental appearance of i-hsin which should be brought forth without being attacted to. Thus the shih function of mental appearance is the wisdom interacting with i-hsin. It knows everything,awakens to everything, sees everything,realizes everything,practices everything and cuts off everything. No differentiation exists therein,it is free from it, without classification and differences, virtues and spiritual attainments. It neither is nor is not,not one,not two. It knows everything to be known through not knowing,sees everything |
目次 | 一、前言 360 二、事理具在一心 364 1、實相因於理事 364 2、中道圓修 365 3、性相俱心之理事 366 三、觀心知理事 367 1、一切種智是一念相應慧 368 2、一心諦觀 370 3、一心定慧 371 4、中道第一義觀 372 四、一心理事觀 373 1、一心法與理事不二 374 2、妙悟此心在於反己 374 五、圓修一心理事無礙 376 1、一多無礙四義 376 2、定慧無礙是一心 379 六、理事無礙觀 384 1、心即理是理入 384 2、一多無礙 386 3、理事五對 396 七、結論 416
ヒット数 | 1674 |
作成日 | 1998.07.22
更新日期 | 2017.08.17 |
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