有關「慈悲」的諸問題=Problems Related to Compassion |
著者 |
趙淑華 (著)=Chao, Shu-hua (au.)
掲載誌 |
法光學壇=Dharma Light Lyceum
巻号 | n.1 |
出版年月日 | 1997 |
ページ | 36 - 44 |
出版者 | 法光佛教文化研究所=Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 禪定=Concentration=Dhyana; 緣起=十二因緣=Pratityasamutpada; 緣起=pratitya-samutpada=conditions=paticca-samuppada; 緣起=paticca-samuppada=pratitya-samutpada=conditions; 無我=Anatman; 修行; 定業=The Fixed Karmas; 佛陀=Gautama Buddha; 四無量心=四梵住=Four Immeasureables |
抄録 | 本文以作者個人在修行上所感疑惑的 -- 「為什麼要慈悲?」這問題為始,接著一一探討因此問題所引申而來的諸多問題。其中包括:慈悲的定義、慈悲的修習、及慈悲的理論基礎。 循著慈悲的定義,作者引用 Harvery B。Aronson 的看法,認為慈悲有兩種。亦即:日常生活所經驗到的,以及作為禪定業處的「四無量心」。接著並引經注證明二者實密切相關,且進一步引經說明,認為「四無量心」實是通往解脫的甘露門。 其次,作者籍著對自己的反省,分別對有關慈悲的修習,理論基礎再進一步提出相關的個人疑惑。認為要解決修習上的問題,應先了解「自我」究竟是怎麼一回事。並預想:「四無量心」可能正是在了解了「自我」究竟是怎麼一回事。並預想:「四無量心」可能正是在了解了「自我」究竟是怎麼一回事後,佛陀所給予的解脫法門!此外,關於作為慈悲理論基礎的緣起法,認為尚為「實然與應然」,「無我與慈悲」諸問題需要進一步探討。最後,作者敘述自己寫作的態度,及研究「慈悲」過程中所體會到的心得。
At the beginning of the present study the author poses a question she became aware of while practicing dharma –– " Why should we be compassionate?" She then proceeds to deal with all the other issues deriving therefrom, including the definition of compassion, its practice and its theoretical foundation. In connection with the definition of compassion, the author quotes Harvey B.Aronson's idea of two kinds of compassion, one an experience in daily life, the other the meditational practice of the Four Immeasurables. Quotations from canonical commentaries prove the close relationship between both, and passages in the scriptures themselves make it clear that the Four Immeasurable s actually are a door leading to liberation. Following this, the present writer in self-reflection formulates some questions about the practice and theoretical foundation of compassion. She feel s the need to understand what the "I" is before one can practice compassion, and surmises that the Four Immeasurables could have been taught as the door t o liberation after someone had arrived at a penetrating understanding of the nature of the "I". Regarding the theoretical foundation of compassion the author feels there are still problems concerning the "is-ought" issue as well as "selflessness and compassion" which require further research. The paper concludes with an exposition of the writer's stance and the understandings gained during the writing process. |
ヒット数 | 1399 |
作成日 | 1998.04.28
更新日期 | 2017.08.23 |
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