Ethics in Humanistic Buddhism—Studies on Venerable Taixu and Master Hsing Yun's Views on Ethics=人間佛教與倫理--太虛法師和星雲法師的佛教倫理觀研究 |
著者 |
Long, Da-rui
掲載誌 |
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism=西來人間佛教學報
巻号 | v.3 |
出版年月日 | 2002 |
ページ | 333 - 351 |
出版者 | International Academy of Buddhism, University of the West |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Rosemead, CA, US [柔似蜜, 加利福尼亞州, 美國] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | With abstracts in English and Chinese
キーワード | Ethics; Humanistic Buddhism; Taixu; Hsing Yun; Chinese tradition; 倫理; 人間佛教=入世佛教=Humanistic Buddhism=Engaged Buddhism; 太虛; 星雲; 中國傳統 |
抄録 | The paper discusses the three striking differences between Buddhism and Chinese tradition. The first challenge Buddhism encountered when it was introduced info China was the concept of filial piety,an indigenous tradition firmly ingrained in Chinese minds. There is no such strong sense of filial piety in Indian culture. The second difference lies in the six relationships Buddhist ethics and five basic human relations outlined by Mencius. The third issue is the equality of all I living beings in obtaining the Buddhahood in Buddhist literature while the Chinese follow the Three Cardinal Guides and Five constant Virtues as specified in the ethical code that marked a rigidly stratified society. Tremendous changes took place in the 20th century. Chinese Buddhists made modifications in order to suit the dazzling development of the era. Taixu raised fhe issue of Humanistic Buddhism aiming at revitalizing Buddhism in the difficult situation for survival. Taixu tried to integrate the Buddhist principles with the Chinese tradition with emphasis on Buddhist contributions to family,society,stale and religion itself,thus pulling Chinese Buddhism back onto earth. Master Hsing Yun has been the forerunner of Humanistic Buddhism. Basing on the concepts raised by Taixu,he further develops Humanistic Buddhism both in theory and practice. He has raised twenty issues in ethics regarding concrete practice. In the sixth topic,Master Hsing Yun presents his views on loyalty and filiality. Always far-sighted,he illustrates the altitudes of Humanistic Buddhism towards these two concepts. He is fully aware of the importance of both values in managing the stale and bringing peace to the world. His expositions highlight the way of Humanistic Buddhism in dealing with a sensitive issue in the history of Chinese Buddhism for more than 1600 years. 本文探討了佛教與中國傳統的三個重要的差異. 佛教傳入中國首先遇到的詰難就是來自本土文化中植根最深的孝道概念,而印度文化中卻沒中土的孝的概念. 第二個差異是佛教倫理中的六種關係和中國的儒家孟子講的五常. 第三個差異是佛教倡導眾生平等而中國倫理強調三綱五常的等級社會. 20世紀對中國來說是個風雲變幻無窮的世紀. 中國佛教也做了大量努力以適應動盪歲月. 太虛大師力圖使中國佛教傳統與現代化結合起來,強調人間佛教要為家庭,社會,國家和宗教做出貢獻,把佛教帶回到人間來. 星雲大師是人間佛教的先驅者. 他在太虛法師提出的人間佛教的基礎上,全面的發展了人閒佛教的理論和修行實踐. 他提出了人間佛教倫理修行的二十條. 其中第六條論及忠孝. 大師深諳這兩個概念的價值對中國乃至世界和平的重要性,高瞻遠矚地論述了人間佛教與中國傳統文化中的忠孝的關係,用人間佛教的理念解決這個在中國歷史上有一千多年的爭端問題. |
ISSN | 15304108 (P) |
ヒット数 | 1280 |
作成日 | 2003.06.16
更新日期 | 2020.04.09 |
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