意象多重奏【佛經附圖:藏-漢藝術小品】多媒體光碟的設計理念=A Symphony of Imagery : The Concept behind the Development of the "Convergence of Radiance : Tibeto-Chinese Buddhist Scripture Illustrations" Multimedia DVD |
著者 |
葛婉章 (著)=Ge, Wan-zhang (au.)
掲載誌 |
法光學壇=Dharma Light Lyceum
巻号 | n.7 |
出版年月日 | 2003 |
ページ | 144 - 172 |
出版者 | 法光佛教文化研究所=Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 藝術教育=art education; 藝術史=art history; 藏傳佛教=西藏佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 藏-漢藝術=Tibeto-Chi-nese art; 佛經附圖=illustrated Buddhist scriptures; 古籍版本=old books; 數位媒體藝術=art in digital media |
抄録 | 【佛經附圖:藏-漢藝術小品】多媒體數位光碟製作歷時二年,於2003歲末出版。光碟的主題內容、藝術形式,是否達到預期的「學術的理性、宗教的情境、西藏的美學」理想?光碟本身就是答案,留待閱覽者自行檢驗。撰寫本文,意在為光碟的製作理念留下記錄:從藝術史研究觀點,闡述【小品】多重意象的架構觀念、形式設計的圖像意義,特別針對光碟形式的美學思想──因陀羅網、曼荼羅、三密法──如何在【小品】中以事顯理?提出己見;並以【小品】為例,探索數位時代(digital age)新媒材藝術思維及語言,表現傳統佛教題材及美學觀的可行性、方式與成效。
Late in 2003, the“Convergence of Radiance: Tibeto-Chinese Buddhist Scripture Illustrations”multimedia DVD was finally released after two years production. Does its main content and artistic form reach the ideal of“scholarly reason, religious feeling, and Tibetan aesthetics”? The DVD itself should give the answer and the user is invited to see for himself. This paper is just written to record the work that went into the production of the DVD: to explain from the viewpoint of art history the concept behind the multilayered imagery of “Convergence of Radiance”and the iconographic meaning of its formal design, especially the aesthetic ideas which shaped the DVD - how the noumenon is made manifest through the phaenomenon in Indra's Net, the Mandala, and the Three Secrets. The writer gives her own opinion and uses the DVD as an example to discuss whether the artistic thought and language of the new media in the digital age can express traditional Buddhist themes and aesthetics and if yes, how and to which effect. |
ヒット数 | 1600 |
作成日 | 2004.08.06
更新日期 | 2017.08.24 |

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