Sangs Rgyas Gling Pa (1341~1396) & His Longevity Teachings=桑傑林巴(1341~1396)及其長壽教法 |
著者 |
梅靜軒 (著)=Mei, Ching hsuean (au.)
掲載誌 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
巻号 | n.63 |
出版年月日 | 2012.12.25 |
ページ | 191 - 226 |
出版者 | 正觀雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | 作者為法鼓佛教學院助理教授 |
キーワード | Amitābha=阿彌陀佛; Biography=傳記; Treasure texts=伏藏; Treasure revealer=伏藏師; Longevity teachings=長壽教法 |
抄録 | The development of Amitābha tradition in medieval Tibet is an unsolved problem in the academic world, which definitely involved in complicated transmissions and confluence of different practices; therefore, need to be clarified through various aspects and approaches. In my previous studies of 'pho ba liturgy developed in medieval Tibet, I suggest that Sangs rgyas gling pa’s (1341-1396) revealed work of 'pho ba could be one of the important sources that integrates Amitābha worship into consciousness transferring ('pho ba) practices. Furthermore, I notice that relevant teachings such as longevity (tshe sgrub) might also stimulate the formation of Amitābha tradition. Yet Sangs rgyas gling pa and his discovered works are hardly highlighted. In this short essay, I will firstly focus on his biography in order to unveil his life story, his discoveries and transmissions. Secondly I will study his longevity teaching so as to demonstrate its close association to the worship of Amitābha. It will help our understanding on how Amitābha has gained his central position in the display of Five Buddha Families.
關於中世紀西藏的阿彌陀佛信仰一直是個學界未解的問 題。這問題涉及了複雜的傳承與各種教法的匯集,需要透過不同 的角度與路徑來釐清。根據筆者的中世紀西藏遷識法之演變史研 究,發現十四世紀寧瑪派的伏藏師桑傑林巴的遷識教法很可能是 將阿彌陀佛信仰與臨終遷識的修法匯集在一起的重要文獻之 一。在研究過程中,筆者也發現了相關的教法如長壽成就法也可 能是促成阿彌陀佛信仰傳統的因素之一。雖然桑傑林巴與他的伏 藏作品對此主題有相當的貢獻,但學界對他的介紹與研究幾乎是 空白。這篇短文的目的就在彌補這個遺憾。本文分為兩部分,首 先將介紹這位伏藏師的生平以及他所發掘的伏藏與傳承。第二部 分將探討他的長壽修法以說明此法與阿彌陀佛信仰的密切關 係。此外,從桑傑林巴的長壽成就法中我們也得以窺知阿彌陀佛 是如何在五方佛的壇城中獲得中心的地位。
目次 | 1. Biography of Sangs rgyas gling pa 193 1.1 Life and Discovery of Sangs rgyas gling pa 1.2 The Sangs gling Transmission 2. The Way of Attaining Longevity 211 2.1 Longevity Practice for Oneself and Others 2.2 The Unification of the Sun and the Moon |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
ヒット数 | 898 |
作成日 | 2013.04.29 |
更新日期 | 2017.09.06 |
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