儒家論「道」的觀點=A Confucian Perspective on Tao |
著者 |
鍾雲鶯 (著)=Chung, Yun-ying (au.)
掲載誌 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号 | v.13 n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2012.02.01 |
ページ | 14 - 27 |
出版者 | 圓覺文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 主題:原著 |
キーワード | 道=Tao; 儒家=Confucianism; 道統=Confucian orthodoxy |
抄録 | 本文乃就儒家思想之「道」的理念,作一論述,當然,文中所談,乃以宋明以後之新儒家的學理為主。「道」是宇宙的本源,儒家認為,「道」是宇宙間品類萬彙的根源,也是宇宙間星宿運行之動力與規則的根本。「道」乃無形無象,故需倚藉陰陽二氣的交互作用與造化流行,產生萬事萬物之其體形象與物種的特質「道」不可能離開陰陽而孤立存在,「道」與陰陽是不雜不離的體用關係。儒家重視「道」的超越性,然「道」的超越性並非玄妙難測,而是透過其變而有常的規則中,體現道之於人的道德內在性。強調「道」的普遍性與真實性,儒者認為,「道」生天地、長養萬物的德澤乃普通於萬事萬物之中,所有事物皆其有「道」的質能,絕非獨厚某特定的物種、區域、族群,「道」的存有是普遍的,絕不會獨厚於某一物種。正因「道」其有普遍性,故是真實的存有,絕非空無虛有。儒家重倫理,是以「道」其有倫理的意義,由天道以觀人道,達人道以通天道,實踐五常五倫,成了儒者論述「道」之內涵的核心思想。道統之傳也是儒家闡述「道」時的重要內容。能夠宣揚聖人之道與孔孟之學者才得以進入道統之列。道統之傳象徵著儒學之傳的正統,其有文化、學術之正統的意義,而道統表中的學者,成了傳授、發揚、開創儒學的時代代表人物。
This paper is a discourse on the concept of Tao in Confucianism, predominantly Neo-Confucianism from the Song and Ming dynasties in China.Tao is the origin of the universe. Confucianism regards Tao as the source of all matters in the universe; it is the driving force of celestial movements and determines the fundamental rules of the universe.Tao is formless and shapeless. It is through the interactions of yin and yang that beings are created and take a physical form, and species are given distinct characteristics. Tao cannot exist independently of yin and yang. Tao is the essence, while yin and yang represent its action.Confucianism places emphasis on the transcendence of Tao, which is neither esoteric nor erratic. Through its changing yet constant nature, Tao is manifested in the intrinsic moral nature of human beings.Emphasizing on the universality and reality of Tao, Confucian scholars believe that the virtue by which Tao creates the universe and nurtures all beings is prevalent in all creations, that the quality of Tao is widespread in every creation as opposed to being a unique quality of a specific species, region or group. Tao has universality, thereby it has a real existence and is not an empty concept.Ethics are fundamental in Confucianism; therefore, Tao carries ethical significance.Understanding the human way by studying the natural way and achieving the natural way by observing the human way, thereby practicing the Five Constants and Five Relationships, have become the central philosophy by which Confucian scholars discourse the essence of Tao.Confucian orthodoxy is also an important theme in the Confucian discourse on Tao. Only those who propagated the sage's way and Confucianism could enter the rank of Confucian orthodoxy. It symbolizes orthodox Confucianism and signifies the orthodoxy of culture and scholarship. Outstanding scholars in Confucian orthodoxy have become representative figures in teaching, propagating and creating the era of Confucianism.
目次 | 壹、前言 13 貳、道是宇宙的本源 14 參、道與陰陽 15 肆、道的超越性與賦之於人的內在性 16 |
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
ヒット数 | 901 |
作成日 | 2013.06.25 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.24 |
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