從道佛哲理考述中醫「人氣」的科學性本質=Exploration on the scientific nature of "Human Qi" from the philosophy of Buddhism and Taoism |
著者 |
楊中傑 (著)=Yang, Zhong-jie (au.)
陽仁達 (著)=Yang, Ren-da (au.)
掲載誌 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号 | v.19 n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2018.09 |
ページ | 37 - 44 |
出版者 | 圓覺文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 湖南中醫藥大學,長沙,湖南 |
キーワード | 經絡=Channel; 氣=Qi; 信息=Information; 生命能量=Vitality energy; 陰陽五行=Yin-Yang and five phases |
抄録 | 中醫將人氣定義為體內生命力很強,運行不息的精微物質。氣之抽象無形特質與現代科學物質定義不合,故難交集。經由道佛哲理與物質之科學定義,探究經絡所傳之氣非血或神經電流,乃無形質載有本體意志與活動信息,負責心身之間溝通調控之有機體,以「生命能量」詮釋易與現代科學對口;由是區辨中醫治病係從生命信息之能量下手,與西醫唯物觀哲理不同:能量治因屬本;物質治果屬標,能量空性特質可闡明「人氣」解剖無著之因;氣之新定義有助中醫現代化。
Qi is defined as a kind of subtle substance in the body with strong vitality and operation by the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Qi is so obscure as difficult to communicate with modern science. Based on the exploration of philosophy of Buddhism, Taoism and the scientific definition regarding matter, we assume the human qi is the intermediate conduction between spirit and body. The conduction is intangible but embodies ontological vitality and information from the spirit, and may be interpreted as the "vitality energy" in scientific definition of qi in up-to-date science. Hence the TCM therapy trends to energy treatment with information through channels, which tends to the essence of enanthrope; on the contrary, the western medicine materialistic treatment seems to alleviate the symptoms of illness. Through the empathic nature of the energy, it can clarifie the empty results of anatomy to qi. The new interpretation of qi may promote the modernizations of TCM. |
目次 | 中文摘要 37 壹、引言 37 貳、氣義遞嬗 38 參、中醫及道佛古籍有關身心與氣文獻探討 39 肆、討論:人氣網絡傳導假設 40 一、氣的運行途徑 40 二、經絡與氣及身心關係 40 三、氣之生命信息能量化 41 伍、能量與人氣之空性 42 陸、結論 43 參考文獻 43 英文摘要 44 |
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
ヒット数 | 456 |
作成日 | 2018.11.13 |
更新日期 | 2019.06.24 |
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