通行版陀羅尼被之內容解讀=Decoding the Dharani Blankets |
著者 |
徐立強 (著)=Hsu, Li-chiang (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.19 |
出版年月日 | 2018.12 |
ページ | 149 - 178 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為華梵大學東方人文思想研究所碩士。 |
キーワード | 陀羅尼被=Dharani blankets; 往生被; 五大陀羅尼=The five great dharanis; 《滅惡趣本續》; 金剛界三十 七尊=The thirty-seven deities in the “Vajradhātu maṇḍala”; Sarvadurgati pariśodhana tantra |
抄録 | 「陀羅尼被」俗稱「往生被」,是華人地區常用來超度亡者的用品。它的出現及使用可追溯至清代,是行之久遠的宗教用品。最初陀羅尼被是皇帝對於功勛大臣的賞賜物,後來輾轉流傳至民間,廣為使用。由於陀羅尼被經過一再翻印,布面上的梵文字跡漸漸變形模糊。若要恢復原貌,必須找出原始依據的經典,才能依之校訂解讀。 陀羅尼被主要有兩種版本:一種是坊間常用的「通行版」;一種是古董店或博物館收藏的「古董版」。二者圖形大致相同,都是塔和數十個圓輪,但內容有些許差異。本文研究對象是通行版陀羅尼被,其主要線索是古董版上提到的「此陀羅尼被乃按《滅惡趣本續》所作也」。本文比對《滅惡趣本續》和其相關經典,發現陀羅尼被並非完全依《滅惡趣本續》所作,即中間塔內的梵咒內容主要為「五大陀羅尼」——佛 頂尊勝陀羅尼、一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼、菩提場莊嚴陀羅尼、佛頂無垢普門三世如來心陀羅尼及緣起咒。這五個陀羅尼各有其出處,相同的是,經中都提到書寫該陀羅尼置於塔中的修學方法,所以這是陀羅尼被上咒塔型制的由來陀羅尼被上圓輪的內容,都出自《滅惡趣本續》(全名為《如來阿羅漢等正覺者清一切惡趣威光王儀軌》)及其相關注釋。圓輪的排列有一定的方式,經中提到於頭頂、額、眉間、鼻、右眼、左眼、右耳、左耳、右肩、左肩、腳、右膝、左膝、右腳背、左腳背、右踝、左踝等地方,安置種種佛菩薩的咒語。而陀羅尼被外圍四周,是大小均等的圓輪,內容是金剛界三十七尊,也按一定的方式排列。 經由比對研究後發現,陀羅尼被的內容是依照《如來阿羅漢等正覺者清一切惡趣威光王儀軌》及五大陀羅尼相關經典,設計製作完成。
The dharani blanket, also known as the funeral covers, is often used to cover the body of the deceased among the Chinese society. It is commonly applied in religious rites and can be traced way back to Qing Dynasty, which is usually granted exclusively to the meritorious royals at first. Yet somehow it is used by the public and hence widely spread throughout the whole country. While the original version of the blanket is missing, the Sanskrit letters on it became blureed, obscure or even illegible due to its reproduction. In order to restore the authentic version, we need to find out the original sutras from which the Sanskrit was derived. There are two main versions of the dharani blankets. One is the current version used by the public. The other is the “collected version” which can be found in antique shops or museums. The graphics of these two versions share the similar outlook which consists of a central stupa surrounded by dozens of round wheels. But the contents may slightly differ from each other. The “collected version” specificly mentioned that the dharani blankets were made according to the instructions of Sarvadurgati pariśodhana tantra, namely Sarvadurgati pariśodhana tejorājasya tathāgatasya arhato samyaksambuddhasya kalpa-nāma. However this declaration did not appear in any current versions. Inspired by the revelation, this article focuses on comparing the Sanskrit of the current version with the Sarvadurgati pariśodhana tantra. The contents of the round wheels in the funeral covers were all based on the Sarvadurgati pariśodhana tantra and its related commentaries. The round wheels encircled the central stupa along with the corresponding dharani of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were arranged in a form of our body parts, such as the parietal, frontal, glabella, nose, right eye, left eye, right ear, left ear, right shoulder, left shoulder, legs, right knee, left knee, right pedal, left pedal, right ankle, left ankle, etc. Besides, the four sides of the funeral covers were surrounded by 37 equal sized round wheels. Their contents and the arrangements were based on the thirty-seven deities in the “Vajradhātu maṇḍala” which could be also found in Sarvadurgati pariśodhana tantra. Whereas the contents of the central stupa in the funeral covers were not mentioned in any of the Sarvadurgati pariśodhana tantra or its related commentaries, the dharanis and the Sanskrits of the stupa were found in the five great dharanis: Uṣṇīṣavijayā dhāraṇī, Vimaloṣṇīṣa dhāraṇī, Guhyadhātu dhāraṇī, Bodhigarbhālaṃkāralakṣa dhāraṇī and Pratītyasamutpādahṛdaya dhāraṇī. These dharanis might be derived from different sutras, yet they all indicated the same method of practice of the chanting dharanis in the stupa. This could be the origin of the central stupa on the dharani blankets. In conclusion, this study finds out that the graphics and contents on the dharani blankets were based not only on the Sarvadurgati pariśodhana tejorājasya tathāgatasya arhato samyaksambuddhasya kalpa-nāma but also on the five great dharanis and their related sutras.
目次 | 一、前言 151 二、咒塔 152 三、塔外咒輪 154 四、外圍四周 155 五、結論 158 |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
ヒット数 | 888 |
作成日 | 2019.01.17 |
更新日期 | 2022.03.07 |
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