「佛化」還是「化佛」: 從佛化新青年運動 看佛教改革的悖反難題=Buddhacization or Changing Buddhism: Paradox in Innovation of Buddhism from Movement of Buddhacization of the New Youth |
著者 |
李翬 (著)=Li, Hui (au.)
掲載誌 |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.32 |
出版年月日 | 2018.12 |
ページ | 193 - 238 |
出版者 | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 1. 作者單位:中國江蘇南京理工大學設計藝術與傳媒學院School of Design Arts and Media at Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST)。 |
キーワード | 佛化=Buddhacization; 化佛=Changing Buddhism; 佛化新青年=The Young Men’s Buddhist Monthly; 佛教改革=Innovation of Buddhism |
抄録 | 近代以來,佛教革新運動此起彼伏:新佛化運動、新僧運動、人生佛教、人間佛教、新佛教運動等等,皆是其興也勃,其 衰也忽。其中興起於20世紀20年代的佛化新青年運動更是盛極一時,持續長達五年之久。但因其宣傳刊物《佛化新青年》混用紀 年方式、其核心人物張宗載與寧達蘊淡出歷史舞臺等原因,致使當前的一些研究對佛化新青年運動的時間、過程、人員等都有不 同的表述,并多有未明之處。本文在廣泛收集資料的基礎上,試圖釐清佛化新青年運動中的一些疑點與爭議,并分析其興衰之根 本原因在於「佛化」與「化佛」之悖反:「佛化」本意是以佛為本、宗佛之旨,化導世道人心,但其與「消解佛教的超越性特色 義理與表現形式」的「化佛」僅一步之隔,故而在其宣傳與實施「佛化」主張的過程中,常常遭致以「佛化」之名行「化佛」之 實的批評,并最終導致失敗。這不僅是佛化新青年運動難以化解的悖反難題,還是近代佛教各項改革運動共同面臨的困境,也是 當代人間佛教運動需要解決的一個問題。
Since modern times, movements of innovation of Buddhism,including “New Buddhacization”, “New Buddhist Monk”, “LifeBuddhism”, “New Buddhism” and so on, rose one after another.They sprung up strongly and failed down rapidly. Movement of Buddhacization of the New Youth, which grew up during 1920s, was in fashion for a period and lasted five years. However, there are many problems in current research such as different expressions and confused statements in the time, progress and participants of this movement because of the mixed use of ways of numbering the years in the The Young Men’s Buddhist Monthly and the retirement of Zhang Zongzai and Ning Dayun who were the core leaders. On the basis of wide collection of information, this essay attempts to clarify some doubtful points and arguments in the movement of Buddhacization of the New Youth, and to reveal the primary cause which based on paradox between Buddhacization or Changing Buddhism: Buddhacization, the original idea is to guide the way of the world and the heart of a human being with Buddhism. That is close to the Changing Buddhism which main point is to clear up the superior characteristic argumentation and manifestation. Therefore, the movement was faced with criticism, that used the pretext to Buddhacization and factually changed the Buddhism, and finally lead to fail, when promoted and practiced the Buddhacization. This is not only the paradox that hardly solved in movement of Buddhacization of the New Youth, but also the common difficulty of all the movements of innovation of Buddhism, and a problem need solving in the contemporary Humanistic Buddhism movement. |
目次 | 一、佛化新青年運動的基本情況 199 (一) 佛化新青年運動的開啟 200 (二) 張、寧二人及佛化新青年運動與太虛法師之間的關係 203 (三) 佛化新青年運動的主要活動 208 二、佛化新青年運動的佛化主張 211 (一) 佛法是救世的唯一真理 213 (二) 佛法非宗教 214 (三) 佛法符合科學 217 (四) 佛法統攝一切學說 219 三、對佛化新青年運動的反思與批評 221 四、結語 225 附錄:張宗載、寧達蘊生平 228 (一) 張宗載生平 228 (二) 寧達蘊生平 234 引用文獻 237 一、專書 237
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
ヒット数 | 950 |
作成日 | 2019.03.21 |
更新日期 | 2019.03.21 |
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