

雲棲袾宏《答淨土四十八問》初探=Research on Master Lianchi's Answer on the Forty-Eight Doubts of Pure Land
著者 黃意淳
掲載誌 佛光人文學報=Fo Guang Journal of Humanities
ページ73 - 105
出版サイト https://coh.fgu.edu.tw/zh_tw/12
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード念佛=Nianfo; 淨土=Pure Land; 念佛禪=nianfo Chan; 禪淨共修=Chan and Pure Land; 一心念佛=One Mind Nianfo

The aim of this study is to introduce Zhu Hong's (1535-1615) Answer on the Forty-Eight Doubts of Pure Land. It is a short but exquisite treatise by Xuang Cang, X61, no.1158. Zhu became widely known as Master Lianchi in the late Ming dynasty. Zhu's answers to each of the forty-eight questions asked by one of his disciples, Deyuan (Yu Zhunxi), are clear and brief. Generally speaking, Answer on the Forty-Eight Doubts of Pure Land is about the situation and problems that Buddhism faced during that period and clarification of these problems. Through the classification and analysis of Zhu's short treatise, this study seeks to understand the direction of his Pure Land teaching and theory, especially Pure Land, Chan and Huayen thought. The study further explores Zhu's integration of Pure Land and Chan and how he promoted the integration of nianfo (chanting the name of Buddha) with meditation. It also looks at whether the integration of nianfo and meditation influenced modern human Pure Land thought and humanistic Buddhism. In fact, Pure Land thought has been the main stream of thought in Buddhism since the Ming dynasty, and it has been especially popular in modern times. The author believes that this may be because its methods of practice and ideology are simple and easy to understand. This study looks at how Pure Land thought has been integrated with meditation since the Ming dynasty and how Zhu actively promoted it in Buddhism.
In addition, this study explores the relationship between Zhu and Deyuan, the editor of Answer on the Forty-Eight Doubts of Pure Land. Both were Buddhist leaders in southeastern China. Deyuan was a student skillful at asking questions, and Zhu was the excellent teacher able to answer his questions. This study comprises five chapters. Chapter One outlines the motives, objectives, problem awareness, scope and methodology of this study as well as the review of relevant literature. Chapter Two describes the lives of Zhu and his disciple Deyuan. Chapter Three explains and analyzes Answer on the Forty-Eight Doubts of Pure Land as well as Zhu's teaching and practice based on these forty-eight items. Chapter Four discusses the relationship of Answer on the Forty-Eight Doubts of Pure Land to the practice of Chan and Pure Land Buddhism. Chapter Five is the conclusion.
目次一、 前言 74
(一)研究動機 74
(二)文獻回顧 75
二、 答者—雲棲袾宏與問者—虞德園生平略述 77
(一)雲棲袾宏 Yunqin Z(C)huhong 78
(二)虞德園 Yu Deyuan 78
三、《四十八問》義理思想與修行實踐 80
四、《四十八問》暨禪淨共修 92
(一)此論之重要性及漢傳禪淨淵源 94
(二)雲棲袾宏禪淨修持對明清影響 95
五、結語 98
引用書目 100
一、 原典古籍(依朝代作者、冊數經號)100
二、 近人著作(依姓氏、中外文)101
三、 期刊論文(依姓氏、中外文)102
四、 學位論文 102
五、 電子網站資料(含線上工具書)103
ISSN27890082 (P); 27890090 (E)

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