憍賞彌國法滅故事在于闐和吐蕃的傳播(硏討篇)=The Prophecy of the “Disappearance of the Dharma(famie)in Kauśāmbī”: Its Spread in Khotan and Tibet [A preliminary Study] |
著者 |
劉屹 (著)=Liu Yi (au.)
掲載誌 |
華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | v.2 n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2019.10 |
ページ | 159 - 192 |
出版者 | World Scholastic Publishers |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Singapore [新加坡] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為首都師範大學歷史學院教授。 |
キーワード | 法滅=Famie [Disappearance of the Dharma]; 于闐=Khotan; 吐蕃=Tibet; 乾陀羅=Gandhara; 憍賞彌=Kauśāmbī; 漢地=Chinese land |
抄録 | 本文分析了公元5–10世紀間,印度佛教“憍賞彌國法滅故事”在于闐、漢地和吐蕃佛教中的流傳情況。強調在多種語言的總共11個不同版本的佛教文獻中,圍繞“法滅”主題的相關記載,並不能當作歷史記錄來使用,因為很難對應到可靠的歷史人物和事件。起源於印度佛教的“憍賞彌國法滅”傳統,早在5、6世紀就被漢地佛教拋棄,並轉而形成了中國佛教的“末法思想”來取代這一印度傳統。但同一個印度佛教傳統,卻在西域大乘佛教的中心于闐產生了持久而深遠的影響,以至吐蕃佛教最初也全盤接受了于闐佛教關於“法滅”的預言,形成了與印度本土傳統和漢地傳統都不一樣的“于闐—吐蕃—乾陀羅—憍賞彌法滅”模式。即便如此,在于闐和吐蕃佛教共同接受的新的“法滅”預言版本中,仍然有明顯的“漢地因素”,體現了漢文化對西域和吐蕃的正面影響。
This article analyzes the spread of the Indian prophecy of the ‘disappearance of the dharma (Ch. famie 法滅) in Kauśāmbī’ in Khotanese, Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism. I first emphasize that the eleven multi-lingual versions of this prophecy which we have at our disposal, should not be used as historical records, for it is difficult to historically identify the events and figures in the texts. Second, the Indian Buddhist Kauśāmbī prophecy was no longer in currency in Chinese Buddhism after the fifth or sixth century and was instead replaced by the Chinese Buddhist doctrine of mofa 末法 (‘the final dharma’). Third, unlike in China, this Indian Buddhist prophecy exerted enduring and profound influences in Khotan which, at the time, was the centre of Mahāyāna Buddhism in the Western Regions. Khotanese Buddhism would then modify the Indian prophecy to form its unique narrative (that I call the ‘Khotan-Tibet-Gandhara-Kauśāmbī narrative’) which is distinct from either the Indian or Chinese prophecy. This narrative would then pass down wholesale to Tibetan Buddhism. Lastly, in this new narrative adopted by Khotanese and Tibetan Buddhism, we could still observe references to China, suggesting that the Chinese culture may have had positive influences on the Western Regions and Tibet at the time. |
目次 | 一、引言 160 二、漢王、公主與漢僧 161 三、乾陀羅國的意義 175 四、“法滅”年代的推移 179 五、結語 186
ISSN | 27050742 (P) |
DOI | 10.6939/HIJBS.201910_2(2).0004 |
ヒット数 | 367 |
作成日 | 2021.03.08 |
更新日期 | 2021.03.22 |
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