《蘭亭詩》的佛教意象=Buddhist Images in Lanting's Poems |
著者 |
廖呈峯 =Liao, Cheng-feng
掲載誌 |
佛光人文學報=Fo Guang Journal of Humanities
巻号 | n.4 |
出版年月日 | 2021.01.01 |
ページ | 199+201 - 220 |
出版者 | 佛光大學人文學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 蘭亭詩=Orchid Pavilion Gathering; 王羲之=Wang Xizhi; 佛教意象=Buddhist imagery |
抄録 | 《蘭亭詩》是集體創作而成,當時由王羲之、孫綽、謝安等四十二人於蘭亭山水間飲宴、抒情創作而成,其中含有四言詩及五言詩;由於賦詩環境處於山水之間,風光明媚,兼之眾人臨水宴飲美酒佳餚,因此普遍認為《蘭亭詩》是旅遊、踏青,朋友相邀遊山玩水於宴飲時抒發情感、抱負而成之詩。王羲之、孫綽、謝安等人之風格及詩裡的用字遣詞,隱含了儒道釋的因子。自古文人、名士深受儒家思想影響,後有老莊思想之論,到了東晉時期佛教正值蓬勃,名士、文人與僧人間多所往來,其中謝安、許詢、孫綽等更與支遁、道安、法身等高僧往來密切,甚至有以「弟子」自稱,即便信道甚篤的王羲之及其次子王凝之也都有接觸佛教,或是資助譯經之事。本文從《蘭亭詩》創作的寫作背景、文人社會交往概況與詩中的用字,詮釋詩中隱含之佛教意象,從而賦予《蘭亭詩》另一個屬於佛教文學的思考角度。
Orchid Pavilion Gathering as known as Lanting Gathering which were created by Wang Xizhi, Sun Chuo, Xie An drank and other 42 literati in Mount Lanting through elegant banquet with lyrical creation including four characters poems and five character poems. Due to the environment of composing the poems where was located in the place within mountain and water, beautiful scenery, and also literati having fine wine and gourmets, thus the majority think the Orchid Pavilion Gathering is the poem composing while friends invited to relax in banquet to express their emotions and ambitions. The style of using word in poems from Wang Xizhi, Sun Chuo, Xie An and other literati implied to the elements of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The ancient celebrities and literati were highly influenced by Confucianism and then Taoism as well. By the time of Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Buddhism was flourishing when celebrities and literati interacted with monks so frequently, Xie An, Xu Xun, Sun Chuo, etc. Daoan, Fashen and other monks have close contacts, and even claim to be "disciples". Even Wang Xizhi and his second son Wang Ningzhi were engaged in Taoism so much but also approached Buddhism or help funding for scriptures translation. From the background of composing poem in Orchid Pavilion Gathering , including literati society interaction through the words using in poem, it defines the hidden image of Buddhism, therefore this study endows Orchid Pavilion Gathering the literature way of thinking angles which belongs to Buddhism culture.
目次 | 一、前言 201 二、蘭亭詩的寫作背景:初步的三教融合時代 203 三、情識含靈的蘭亭詩意象 207 四、蘭亭詩所凸顯的佛教視野與思維213 五、結論 216 |
ISSN | 27890082 (P); 27890090 (E) |
ヒット数 | 411 |
作成日 | 2021.07.28 |
更新日期 | 2022.08.08 |
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