閱讀治療與佛經故事:以觀世音菩薩故事為治療素材的理論性分析=A theoretical discussion of using stories from Buddhist Scriptures in Bibliotherapy |
著者 |
潘啟聰 (著)=Poon, Kai-chung (au.)
掲載誌 |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.35 |
出版年月日 | 2020.06 |
ページ | 31 - 70 |
出版者 | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為:香港恒生大學社會科學系講師 |
キーワード | 閱讀治療=bibliotherapy; 佛經故事=stories in Buddhist Scriptures; 《法句經故事集》=Dhammapada; 《悲華經》=Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka-sūtra; 《華嚴經》=Avataṃsaka Sūtra |
抄録 | 本文嘗試就三個佛經故事運用於閱讀治療之可能性作理論性分析。藉由科恩的「好故事」元素及羅素和施羅茲的「認同、淨化及領悟」三階段理論,筆者嘗試闡發讀者在閱讀這三個故事時可能產生的反應。經過分析以後,閱讀《法句經故事集》第八品中吉離舍瞿曇彌的故事、《悲華經》中的觀音菩薩本生故事,以及《華嚴經》中的善財童子參訪觀音菩薩故事對讀者的心理健康應能夠產生益處。按科恩的理論分析所得,這三個佛經故事具備了「好」故事的條件,能夠令人更投入在閱讀之中;按羅素和施羅茲的理論分析所得,閱讀本文所選的三個故事有助讀者培養出正知見、愛心和大悲心以及建立正確的價值觀。本文所選的故事僅為芸芸眾多佛經故事的其中三例,佛經中不乏好的閱讀治療素材。細察之後,不少佛經故事都有著近似的敘事結構:有人因人生的困惑或修道的問題求道於佛菩薩,佛菩薩給予他們一些相應的佛法智慧,最後故事主人翁因有所領悟而出現改變。佛法中的智慧不離世間苦的處理和解脫,故此佛經的故事很容易就能引起讀者的認同,他們亦能在故事人物的經驗中獲得淨化和領悟。由閱讀佛菩薩的故事到產生共鳴而受啟發,筆者認為這有助讀者治療情緒問題、提升抗逆能力、培養愛心和建立正向的價值觀。未來若能令佛經故事和閱讀治療多加結合,相互參考,那必定能為社會大眾的心理健康有莫大的裨益。
This article intends to conduct theoretical analysis on three stories from Buddhist Scriptures. Applying J. Cohen's discussion about a "good" story and D. H. Russell & C. Shrodes's "Identification Catharsis-Insight" theory, possible responses after reading the three selected stories will be revealed. After the analysis, it is reasonable to infer that reading the stories could elicit positive effects in their attitude and psychological health. These selected stories are only three examples from a vast amount of meaningful stories in Buddhist Scriptures. It is noticeable that a large number of stories in Buddhist Scriptures have a similar narrative structure. A character in the story felt distress because of encountering certain problem. He / She came to the Buddha and sought for advice. After listening to the words of wisdom from the Buddha, the character gained insight and had a change in attitude or behaviour. Eventually, the character had overcome his / her distress. The characters in the stories are not extraordinary people, the problems they faced were some hassles and hardship which common people also encounter. This study suggests that such stories are more capable to induce the "identification" response of the readers which is a crucial step for bibliotherapy to take effect. Thus, the conclusion of this article is, if stories in Buddhist Scriptures can be used in bibliotherapy, they should be able to become effective reading materials for enhancing readers' mental health. Efforts and resources for empirical studies are worthwhile for further testing of the effectiveness of using those stories. |
目次 | 一、前言 36 二、閱讀治療的簡介 38 三、閱讀治療理論說明和分析 44 (一) 《法句經故事集》:吉離舍瞿曇彌的故事 45 (二) 《悲華經》:觀音菩薩本生故事 51 (三) 《華嚴經》:善財童子參訪觀音菩薩故事 54 四、讀經之益初議 58 五、結語 63 引用文獻 65 一、原典文獻 65 二、近人論著 65 (一)專書及論文集 65 (二)期刊論文 66 (三)網路資源及工具書 69 |
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
ヒット数 | 1247 |
作成日 | 2021.08.25 |
更新日期 | 2022.08.03 |
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