福建佛教在檳城的傳播:以廣福宮為例=Fujian Buddhism in Malaysia's Penang: The Guangfu Temple as an Example |
著者 |
釋弘冰 (著)=Shi, Hong-bing (au.)
掲載誌 |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.35 |
出版年月日 | 2020.06 |
ページ | 113 - 160 |
出版者 | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:佛光大學佛教學系博士生 |
キーワード | 廣福宮=Guangfu Temple; 極樂寺=Kek Lok Si; 福建佛教=Fujian Buddhism; 妙蓮法師=Venerable Mianlian |
抄録 | 廣福宮建於1800年,是檳榔嶼第一座華人廟宇,也是北馬地區最早出現請僧的地方,本是一座集佛、道、儒及閩粵民間信仰於一身的寺廟。由於早期華人對殯葬及祈福的需求,使得僧侶相續被聘請為住持,與董委共同管理廟務,以經懺佛事為主。1888年妙蓮法師被聘後,廣福宮除了本有經懺佛事外,加入了講經說法等活動,使廣福宮在某種程度上可與佛寺並稱。妙蓮法師接任之後,促使廣福宮與福建地區佛教僧人產生深厚聯結,特別是福州湧泉寺及莆田湧源寺的僧人大量南來,這是有利於福建佛教在檳城傳播。福建佛教得以在檳城順利傳播,廣福宮首當其功,在極樂寺(A.D. 1891)、洪福寺(A.D. 1914)、觀音寺(A.D. 1922)、香嚴寺(A.D. 1935)、妙香林(A.D. 1942)、華嚴寺(A.D. 1945)等未建立前,僧人以廣福宮為重鎮,借地生花。所以,廣福宮為檳城後期能寺院林立、佛教興盛,起了關鍵作用和重大貢獻。
The Guangfu Temple in Penang, Malaysia, was built in 1800 A. C. It is not only the first Chinese Temple there, but also the earliest of hiring foreign monks. Itself owned poly faith which included Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and some folk religions from Fujian and Guangdong. Due to the early immigrants demanding funeral and blessing service, some monks were hired for reciting scripture and engaging partial temple business. The Buddhist lectures were introduced to Guangfu Temple as regular activities in 1888 A.C. right after Venerable Mianlian was employed. Therefore the Guangfu Temple somehow can be treated as a Buddhist temple. Venerable Mianlian also started promoting Guangfu Temple's communication with Fujian Buddhists, especially from Fuzhou Yongquan Temple and Putian Yongyuan Temple, which facilitated missionary works of the Fujia Buddhism in Penang at that time. The success of the Fujian Buddhism's missionary work in Penang is because of the Gaungfu Temple monks as pioneers. The Gaungfu Temple became a very important base for them before the Kek Lok Temple (1891), Hongfu Temple (1914), Guanyin Temple (1922), Xiangyan Temple (1935), Miao Xianglin (1942) and Huayan Temple (1945) were built. It made a great contribution for the late period of the Buddhism booming in Penang. |
目次 | 一、前言 118 二、文獻回顧 119 三、廣福宮史略 122 四、廣福宮與佛教淵源 128 (一) 1888年之前的佛教基礎 128 (二) 1888年之後的佛教發展 132 五、廣福宮的佛教傳播方式 136 (一) 以經懺佛事傳播佛法 136 (二) 以講經說法傳播佛法 138 六、廣福宮僧人的祖庭與法脈傳承 142 (一) 福州鼓山湧泉寺 146 (二) 莆田鼓峰湧源寺 147 (三) 浙江普陀山鶴鳴庵 149 七、結語 149 引用文獻 157 一、原典文獻 157 二、近人論著 157 (一)專書及論文集 157 (二)期刊論文 158 (三)網路資源及工具書 159 三、報紙 160 |
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
ヒット数 | 672 |
作成日 | 2021.08.25 |
更新日期 | 2022.08.03 |
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