三峰派參禪鍛鍊:論仁山寂震之參禪第一步要訣=Renshan Jizhen's "Essence of the First Step in Chan Practice": Research on Chan Practice in the Sanfeng Lineage |
著者 |
張雅雯 (著)=Chang, Ya-wen (au.)
掲載誌 |
法鼓佛學學報=Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.29 |
出版年月日 | 2021.12.01 |
ページ | 115 - 157 |
出版者 | 法鼓文理學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:中華佛學研究所博士後研究員 |
キーワード | 仁山寂震=Renshan Jizhen; 臨濟宗三峰派=Sanfeng lineage; 漢月法藏=Hanyue Fazang; 晦山戒顯=Huishan Jiexian; 參禪鍛鍊=Chan practice |
抄録 | 本文以臨濟宗三峰派第三代仁山寂震(1631-1697)新出語錄中之「參禪第一步要訣」為研究對象,梳理清初三峰派參禪鍛鍊之面貌。據秦松齡(1637-1714)所撰〈華頂仁叟震禪師塔銘〉記載,仁山寂震初開法時曾作〈參禪第一步要訣〉四千言以策發警切參禪學人;惟此文獻疑已佚失,學界如長谷部幽蹊等所列三峰派著作並未見其蹤。然筆者考據《仁山和尚寶華語錄》與《華頂和尚語要》之〈示語〉,於所錄40則參禪警語之末,均見記載:「如上所言,皆『參禪第一步要訣』。」該二語錄之〈示語〉內容與塔銘所言〈參禪第一步要訣〉的關係,其內容要點、相關時空背景實值進一步探究。本文以文獻考據、思想分析為方法,考證仁山寂震「參禪第一步要訣」之內容、歷史背景,並分析其中思想對三峰派創祖漢月法藏(1573-1635)參禪鍛鍊著作之傳承,以及與三峰派第三代晦山戒顯(1610-1672)《禪門鍛鍊說》之共相與殊相,期能透過本文延伸研究三峰派參禪鍛鍊於清初之發展。
This paper explores Renshan Jizhen's (1631-1697) meditation teachings as presented in the Canchan Diyibu Yaojue (參禪第一步要訣 "Essence of the First Step in Chan Practice"). In Renshan Jizhen's epitaph, Sung-Ling Chin (1637-1714) stated that Renshan Jizhen wrote the 4000 word-long "Essence of the First Step in Chan Practice" as a manual to instruct his students. Although this work seems to have disappeared, this paper identifies 3800 of its words in the recently discovered Renshan Heshang Baohua Yulu (仁山和尚寶華語錄) and Huading Heshang Yuyao (華頂和尚語要). Disputes over justifiability of using principles and essentials of Chan in late Ming dynasty have drawn scholars' attention to the Sanfeng lineage's teachings regarding Chan practice, including Hanyue Fazang's (1573-1635) Yumi Shen Canchan Zhuji (於密滲參禪諸偈) and Huishan Jiexian's (1610-1672) Chanmen Duanlianshuo (禪門鍛鍊說). This paper examines the contents and historical context of the "Essence of the First Step in Chan Practice" to explore Renshan Jizhen's meditation teachings. By comparing it to the aforementioned works of Hanyue Fazang and Huishan Jiexian, this article tries to clarify the Sanfeng lineage's attitudes toward the employment of different teaching skills in Chan practice. |
目次 | 一、前言 118 二、現存文獻考據 121 三、〈參禪第一步要訣〉撰作與鍛鍊使用之考證 125 四、內容解析:以參禪進程為架構、以宗旨與話頭為重心 129 (一)40 則參禪警語之架構與要點 129 (二)對臨濟宗旨、話頭之看重 132 五、「參禪第一步要訣」對漢月法藏思想之傳承 137 六、「參禪第一步要訣」與晦山戒顯《禪門鍛鍊說》之比較 141 七、結語 151 |
ISSN | 19968000 (P) |
DOI | 10.6889/DDJBS.202112_(29).0003 |
ヒット数 | 447 |
作成日 | 2022.02.10 |
更新日期 | 2022.02.10 |
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