敦煌寫本 S.4221 全文校勘及相關 問題研究=Textual Criticism of Dunhuang Manuscript S.4221 and Studies of Related Issues |
著者 |
釋果暉 (著)=Shi, Guo-huei (au.)
掲載誌 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
巻号 | n.102 |
出版年月日 | 2022.09.25 |
ページ | 5 - 81 |
出版者 | 正觀雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為法鼓文理學院副教授 。 |
キーワード | 敦煌寫本 S.4221=S.4221; 漏盡鈔=Loujinchao; 安般守意經=Anban shouyi jing; 安世高=An Shigao; 謝敷=Xie Fu; 名相解釋=Glossary |
抄録 | 1999 年在日本大阪天野山金剛寺(Amanosan Kongōji Temple)發現失傳千年以上安世高所著的《安般守意經》(即小安般經)。筆者在 2015 年發表了一篇:A Study of Dunhuang Manuscript S. 4221:The Annotated Text Related to the Kongōji Anban shouyi jing。於該文中發現了敦煌寫本 S.4221 的前半部,是《安般守意經》的經註寫本,其尾題有「漏盡鈔」三字,保留幾乎相當於金剛寺版《安般守意經》後半篇的經文,經文中的行間註解內容也相合於謝敷在《安般序》中所做的提示,故此經注的作者應是東晉時代的謝敷。2016 年則以 A Study of the Authorship of the Second Part of Dunhuang Manuscript S.4221 為題,繼續對S.4221 寫本後半部的〈名相解釋〉加以研究,並確認寫本是與《漏盡鈔》相關的文本,但作者另有其人,且寫出年代應在謝敷之後。本篇論文則對 S.4221 做寫本全文的校勘研究,深入探討〈名相解釋〉與《漏盡鈔》的關係,並做相關問題研究。
In 1999, at the Amanosan Kongōji Temple in Osaka, Japan, a team discovered the Anban shouyi jing 安般守意經, a sutra that had been lost for more than a thousand years. In 2015, I published a paper: "A Study of Dunhuang Manuscript S 4221: The Annotated Text Related to the Kongōji Anban shouyi jing" (see Reference: HUNG, Hunglung. 2015). This paper described how the first part of S.4221 is a sutra commentary on the Anban shouyi jin; it contains a portion of the sutra and its interlinear commentary. At the end of this commentary is the inscription Loujinchao 漏盡鈔. This sutra portion is almost equivalent to the second half of another sutra, the Kongōji Anban shouyi jing, and the content of its interlinear commentary is consistent with the hints given by Xie-Fu 謝敷 in his 'Preface to Anban shouyi jing' (安般序). In 2016, I delivered another paper: "A Study of the Authorship of the Second Part of Dunhuang Manuscript S.4221" (see Reference: Shi, Guohuei. 2016). In it, I confirmed that the Second Part, which contains explanations of the glossary 名相解釋, is a text related to the First Part 漏盡鈔. However, I maintained that this Second Part (i.e., 名相解釋) was written by a different author and should be dated after Xie Fu 謝敷. In this paper, I continue my study of S.4221 by examining the textual criticism of this manuscript as well as the relationship between the 名相解釋 and 漏盡鈔 and other related issues. |
目次 | 壹、本論 7 一、敦煌寫本 S.4221 兩大結構:《漏盡鈔》與〈名相解釋〉 7 二、《漏盡鈔》校勘研究 8 (一)金剛寺版《安般守意經》與敦煌版《安般守意經》之校勘研究 8 (二)行間註解之經論引文校勘研究 17 (三)小結 21 三、〈名相解釋〉與《漏盡鈔》之關係探討 21 (一)斷結使、證四果 23 (二)四諦、十六無漏及八正道 25 (三)八直行為三分法身 28 (四)十二因緣 30 (五)四果及辟支佛 31 (六)七財、四喜、四信 35 (七)四十事 37 (八)三十七品 37 (九)四禪、八解脫、九次第禪 40 (十)小結 51 貳、餘論:《佛說大安般守意經》之作者歸屬 52 叁、結論 59 肆、參考文獻 60 伍、附錄 65 附錄一:敦煌寫本 S.4221 全文現代活字體翻印 附錄二:金剛寺版《安般守意經》(第 168 行至 275 行) |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
ヒット数 | 470 |
作成日 | 2022.10.21 |
更新日期 | 2023.05.18 |
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