天台教觀的理觀與事修統合模式: 智顗與遵式之二種範式的探討=On the Integration Patterns of Wisdom Contemplation and Religious Practice in Tien-tai Teaching and Meditation Tradition: Two Main Paradigms Represented by Zhi-I and Zun-Shi |
著者 |
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Guo-qing (au.)
掲載誌 |
法鼓佛學學報=Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.32 |
出版年月日 | 2023.06 |
ページ | 88 - 127 |
出版者 | 法鼓文理學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 天台教觀=Tien-tai teaching and meditation; 智顗=Chi-I; 遵式=Zun-Shi; 理觀=wisdom contemplation; 事修=religious practice |
抄録 | 天台教學強調止觀雙修、解行合一,主要表現為二種範式:一是義解精深詳密,理觀為主,事修助成;一是掌握教觀精義,事修為主,融入慧觀。本文以智顗與遵式作為這二類範式的代表,探討天台教觀修學模式的理觀與事修的整合關係。圓教止觀的義理與觀法周密結合,只是運用圓頓觀法的一心三智直接觀修圓融三諦,如此的修習進路智顗本人亦面對難關,他的圓頓止觀思想與實踐於是以「十境」與「十乘觀法」的理觀正行為主,而以事修與理觀相合的各種三昧行法裨益中道實相的體悟。這種深廣難行的圓教觀修範式有賴上根利智的少眾菁英來承擔。遵式受學於天台高僧義通,刻苦鑽研本宗教學,雖然通曉圓教止觀義理,而其志趣在於精勤實修,重視圓教慧觀精要法義的掌握,將其置入事修行法,嘗試通過禮懺與念佛踐行以進入圓教領悟。這種事修為本的解行模式契合多數教觀行者的根機與實踐需要,有利天台教觀的傳持不輟。
The Tien-tai school emphasizes the unraveling double cultivation of concentration and contemplation and the importance of combining both learning and practice. There are two main paradigms: one is to interpret the teachings comprehensively and sophisticatedly, giving priority to contemplating the ultimate truth and viewing the religious practices as a supplement. Another is to grasp the essentials of teaching and meditation, and give priority to religious practices with the wisdom contemplation embedded. In this article, Zhi-I ( 智 顗 ) and Zun-Shi ( 遵 式 ) are chosen as the representative individuals of these two paradigms. The close integration of theory and meditation in the Perfect Teaching which require the use of the three wisdoms in one thought to contemplate on the interfusion of three truths is quite difficult, even for Zhi-I himself. Therefore, Zhi-I’s thought of teaching and meditation gives top priority to wisdom contemplation, and uses various samādhi practice methods as supplementary means to realize the Middle Way reality. This kind of profound and difficult meditation practice of the Perfect Teaching looks to Buddhist elites of sharp faculty for shouldering this responsibility. Zun-Shi was taught under Tien?tai master I-Tung, and studied hard on the teachings of this school. Although he was proficient in the concentration and contemplation theories of the Perfect Teaching, he showed a strong inclination towards diligent practice. He laid emphasis on grasping the wisdom contemplation essentials of the Perfect Teaching, and integrated them into the religious practice methods, with an attempt to realize the truth of the Perfect Teaching through repentance and Buddha-recitation practices. This pattern of comprehension and practice which gives top priority to ritual practices corresponds to the faculty and practice requirement of the majority of Buddhist practitioners, and is beneficial to the transmission and inheritance of Tien-tai teaching and meditation tradition. |
目次 | 一、前言 二、智顗以理觀為主的事修助成模式 三、遵式以事修為主的理觀指引模式 四、結論 |
ISSN | 19968000 (P) |
ヒット数 | 319 |
作成日 | 2023.10.26 |
更新日期 | 2023.10.26 |

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