北宋禪宗勃興的文學因素-聚焦於雲門宗的討論=Literary Contributions to the Rise of Chan Buddhism in the Northern Song Dynasty: A Focus on the Yunmen Lineage |
著者 |
黃庭碩 (著)=Huang, Ting-shuo (au.)
掲載誌 |
臺大佛學研究=Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.46 |
出版年月日 | 2023.12 |
ページ | 51 - 106 |
出版者 | 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 北宋禪宗=Northern Song Chan; 雲門宗=Yunmen lineage; 雪竇重顯=Xuedou Chongxian; 明教契嵩=Mingjiao Qisong; 大覺懷璉=Dajue Huailian |
抄録 | 在晚近的禪宗史研究中,北宋禪宗受到中外學人相當高度的矚目,許多學者注意到,在南宋初期迅速衰微的雲門宗,實際上在北宋時期曾有一段輝煌榮光,與臨濟二宗共同構成推動禪宗發展的最重要動力。本文立足在前賢基礎上,進一步論證雲門宗的善文禪僧在此過程中發揮的關鍵作用。基於對北宋前期禪門諸宗的地理分佈調查,筆者發現在十一世紀初期以兩湖作為大本營的雲門一脈,在1020年以降開始大肆向江西、浙江禪寺移轉,有鑑宋代禪寺住持委命多屬官派的「十方制」,不妨將此理解為雲門一脈開始大舉贏得江西、浙江地方官長青睞的反映。從有關材料看來,這個發展極可能與其時雲門宗匠日漸掌握和士人官僚往來的訣竅有關-特別是對文學技藝的嫻熟。作為雲門東進先鋒的雪竇重顯(980-1052)即為最早代表;踵其後者有以一手好古文享譽江浙文壇的明教契嵩(1007-1072)。雲門善文高僧在東南區域的活躍,或引起對禪宗懷有好奇的仁宗措意,遂於1049年將另位雲門高僧大覺懷璉(1010-1092)詔入京城,而懷璉也很快通過其獨特的宣教方式及出彩的文學表現,迅速打進京城知識圈。至此,北宋禪宗總算成功在京城紮根,並邁向鼎盛。
In recent studies on the history of Chan Buddhism, scholars have shown particular interest in Northern Song Chan. Many scholars have observed that the Yunmen lineage, which declined during the early Southern Song Dynasty, actually experienced a period of prominence in the Northern Song Dynasty. Alongside the Linji lineage, it played a significant role in driving the development of Chan Buddhism. This article builds upon previous research and highlights the vital contribution of literary Yunmen Chan monks in this progression. After examining the geographic distribution of Chan lineages during the Northern Song Dynasty, this study discovered that the Yunmen lineage, originally established in Hunan and Hubei in the early eleventh century, underwent a notable migration to Chan temples in Jiangxi and Zhejiang around 1020. Considering the Song Dynasty's practice of government-appointed abbots in most Chan temples, this migration can be interpreted as an indication that the Yunmen lineage began gaining favor from local officials in Jiangxi and Zhejiang. This development is likely attributed to the Yunmen monks' adeptness in interacting with scholar-bureaucrats, primarily due to their increasing mastery and refinement of literary techniques. Among the notable figures, Xuedu Chongxian (980-1052) emerged as a pioneer in the Yunmen lineage's expansion towards the east. Mingjiao Qisong (1007-1072), who succeeded Chongxian, garnered recognition in the literary circles of Jiangsu and Zhejiang due to his exceptional profi ciency in classical prose. The activity of Yunmen monks in the southeastern region caught the attention of Emperor Renzong. In 1049, the emperor extended an invitation to another Yunmen monk, Dajue Huailian (1010-1092), to the capital. Huailian swiftly assimilated into the intellectual circle of the capital through his distinctive preaching style and remarkable literary prowess. By this time, Northern Song Chan had firmly established its presence in the capital and was entering its heyday. Consequently, the growing literary proficiency of Yunmen monks emerged as a significant driving force behind the rise of Northern Song Chan, warranting further scholarly investigation and attention. |
目次 | 壹、北宋前中期的禪宗地域發展 57 貳、擴大士夫關注:雪竇重顯 70 參、發揚禪宗聲名:明教契嵩 77 肆、禪宗風靡京城:大覺懷璉 86 伍、結語 95 |
ISSN | 10271112 (P) |
ヒット数 | 220 |
作成日 | 2024.06.13 |
更新日期 | 2024.06.13 |

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