佛教九品往生之生命教育對大學生之啟發 -- 以佛光大學佛學系104-1學期「淨七」課程學生為例=How Elements of Life Education with the Nine-Levels Rebirth of Buddhism, inspire university students -- As seen in the students of the Department of Buddhist Students of Fo Guang University participating in the "7-Day Meditation Retreat" in the 104-1 Semester |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2016.05.21 |
出版地 | 嘉義, 臺灣 [Chia-i, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 主辦單位:佛光山人間佛教研究院、南華大學人間佛教研究與推廣中心、南華大學生命教育研究中心 |
キーワード | 極樂世界=World of Supreme Happiness; 九品往生=Nine-Grade Future Life; 生命教育=Life Education; 淨土=Pure Land; 人間性=Humanistic Nature |
抄録 | 釋迦牟尼佛在印度菩提樹下悟道緣起法而究竟解脫、成就佛道。根據緣起法「此有故彼此,此無故彼無;此生故彼生,此滅故彼滅。」道理,有生必有死,但死是否必有生?行善者得解脫,形惡者是否斃在生死輪迴,無得解脫? 尤其當此地球生態遭到破壞求全暖化引發天災不斷,人類恐懼到當期有限生命的不確定之際,宗教不共其他學科的超越生死與終極實在議題就深具時代意義。而在中國佛教諸多宗派與修行法門中,備受推崇的西方極樂世界九品往生的無限生命就格具意義。探討極樂世界九品往生的無限生命與縣市短暫的人生有無連結與啟發?為本論文主要的研究目的。西方極樂淨土為何提供了九種往生階位?此九品往生個蘊含了什麼樣的生命教育?能對大學生的現世人生,具有什麼樣的啟發? 為探討上述學術研究及少涉獵的諸項問題,本研究主要以筆者在佛光大學佛學所104-1學期,為英文組開設的「淨七」課程的12為八個國籍學生為例,透過在課堂上學生的分組討論與筆者的參與觀察,讓學生依據劉宋畺良耶舍譯《佛說觀無量壽佛經》所載九品往生的內容,比對生命教育的理論,來耙疏九品武生對於現世人生所具有的生命教育意涵,與對現代大學生的生命教育的啟發,以彰顯佛教的人間性與實用性。
Under a bodhi tree in India, Sakyamuni Buddha discovered the Law of Conditioned Causation, thereby gaining for himself the ultimate emancipation and attaining Buddhahood. According to the principle of the conditioned causation law that "this exists because that exists, this is non-existent because that is non-existent; this lives because that lives, this perishes because that perished", where there is life, there must be death. But whether there must be life where there is death? While people who have things be definitely condemned to the endless cycles of transmigration without deliverance? At the present time in particular when global warming and damage to Earth's ecological system cause numerous natural disasters, when humankind fears the uncertainty of its life is a limited duration, religious study that transcends life and death, and is of ultimate practicality, as different from other forms of study, is of great topical significance. And among the various branches of Chinese Buddhism and their different ways of cultivation, the limitless nine-grade future life in the Western World of Supreme Happiness, held in great esteem, is of particular significance. The study of possible links between the limitless nine-grade future life in the Western World of Supreme Happiness and the transient duration of the present life as well as the possible inspiration of the former on the latter is the main theme of this discourse. Why does the Western World of Supreme Happiness provide nine grades of life? What kind of life education is embodied in these nine grades of future life? How does it inspire the temporal lives of university students? This study of the above-mentioned issues, which few academic research have covered, was mainly conducted through the observation of and involvement by the author in class-room group discussions among the 12 multi-national students who took part in the "7-Day Meditation Retreat" the author organized in the 104-1 Semester for the English Group in the Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University. The students were given the Amitayus Sutra as preached by the Buddha, as translated North/South Dynasties Period, and asked to compare the substance of the Nine-Grade Future Life ass described in the sutra with theories of life education, so as to sort out any relevance there is in the Nine-Grade Future Life in relation to life education in present-day life, and how it might inspire modern university students in life education, so as to highlight the humanistic and practical nature of Buddhism. |
目次 | 壹、生命教育理念 一、生命教的意義 二、生命教育的目的 三、生命教育的內涵 貳、佛光大學三生教育的生命教育 一、佛光大學課程中的生命教育理念 二、佛光大學的生命教育課程 參、佛光大學佛學所碩士班生命教育課程 一、研究對象與教學策略 二、九品往生之生命教育內涵 肆、結論 |
ヒット数 | 1394 |
作成日 | 2016.06.24 |
更新日期 | 2016.06.24 |
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