

A Study of Ananda's Role in Propagation of Buddhism
著者 Ajaladhammo, Chittipat
出版者Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
出版サイト http://www.mcu.ac.th/En/index.php
出版地Bangkok, Thailand [曼谷, 泰國]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
言語英文=English; 泰文=Thai
学校Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
抄録 From the study of Ananda Thera’s role in Propagation of Buddhism which began from early history of his age till his passing away, his relation with different persons and his preaching the doctrine to the Buddhists and general people, it can be concluded as follows :
The role in relations with different persons. Ananda Thera had a close relation with the Buddha as brother and his personal attendant, with other monks as their friend-monk, supervisor and mediator for the community harmony, with lady-monks (Bhikkhunis) as supporter for ordination of women in Buddhism and instructor, with lay Buddhists as receptionist and counselor and with heretics in giving answers in order to clear their doubts. So it can be said that Ananda Thera had been responsible in various activities rather than other disciples.
The role in propagation of Buddhism. Ananda Thera had played a vital role in propagation of Buddhism through techniques of counseling and supervision, discussion, answers and preaching as he listened Dharmas from the Buddha then spread Them to the Bhikkhu, Bhikkhuni, Uphasaka, Uphasika, With various methods such as narration, explanation with comparison and question-answer etc. Which had been used in order to grow faith and respect in the Triple Gem of the masses. But there were some did not turn into Buddhism because of the attachment to their old creed. Nevertheless they had still treated him with special respect. This means that he had created mutual good understanding among different creeds. He was a good example of missionaries in carrying on daily life and in preaching Buddhism to Buddhists at present.
The role in preserving the doctrine Ananda Thera could preserve the doctrine of the Buddha through his recitation and memory. It is said in Threra Gatha that he could remember all 84,000 topics of the Buddha’s teaching. Therefore in the first Buddhist council, he was chosen to be the answer to the Dhammaquestion and he could do this well by compiling Buddha’s instructions and sermons taught in different places and proposing them to the community of the Sangha in order to group them into collections of Discourses and Metaphysics for the sake of our study as seen in the present day.
The role in building up Buddhist heir. he was like other famous disciples in building up the heir to prolong the age of Buddhism. In book Sanyutta Nikaya Nidana Vagga and the commentary to Sanyutta Nikaya Nidana Vagga, it is said that the followers of Ananda such as Ven. Sabbakami, Ven. Salha, Ven.Revata, Ven.Khujjasobhita, Ven.Sanavasisambhuta, Ven.Yasakakandaputta etc. all were Scholars and they had later on played vital roles in the Second Buddhist Council.

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