《安樂集》凈土思想研究=Research on Pure Land Thought of ANLEJI |
著者 |
出版年月日 | 2005.08.26 |
出版者 | 吉林大學=Jilin University |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 長春, 中國 [Changchun, China] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 吉林大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教學 |
指導教官 | 邱高興 |
卒業年 | 2005 |
キーワード | 凈土; 安樂集; 廣略相入; 稱名念佛 |
抄録 | 本文是對《安泰集》中淨土思惟的研討,重要著重於商量道綽對淨土實際與辦法的論述與進獻。全文分為三個部門判教實際、東方淨土和修行秘訣。在判教實際中,又分為三個部門,即時教機響應學說、淨聖二門判和祖師體系。這部門內容,反應了道綽關於淨土思惟之價值上的認知;在東方淨土部門中,論述了道綽關於東方淨土的成因及東方淨土的好事的熟悉,和由此而引出的廣略相入的主要思惟;在修行秘訣中,分為兩部門,即信(經由過程破異見邪執,生起淨信)和行(發菩提心,念經秘訣)。修行秘訣這部門是本文闡述的重點,亦是淨土宗實際的重點。道綽對稱名念經的看重,對善導確立稱名念經為淨土宗重要秘訣、簡化淨土修行有側重要影響,這也是後來淨土思惟得以在平易近間普遍風行的主要緣由之一。統而不雅之,本文所闡述的淨土宗實際與辦法既有他對曇鸞思惟的繼續與成長,又有道綽本身的首創性分析,為善導集其年夜成奠基了基本。
This is the "- ing" pure land thought research and highlights the important to discuss Dao Chuo of Elysium, theories and methods are discussed and contribution. The full text divides into three departments to teach the practical, the eastern pure land and the practice secret. In the judgment of teaching practice, is divided into three departments, instant response theory, teaching machine net two and was sentenced to Saint door system. This part of the contents, the reaction of the Dao Chuo cognition about the value of the pure land thought; in the oriental land sector, discusses the good Dao Chuo oriental land on the causes and the Oriental Land of the familiar, and thus leads to slightly broad in the main thought; in self-cultivation tips, divided into two departments, namely letter (by breaking dissent evil hold, net letter) and (bodhicitta, chant secret). This section is the focus of the paper, and the practical point of the Pure Land Sect. Dao Chuo symmetric name chanting of the value, to Shandao established said name chanting for jodo important secret, simplified pure land practice has important influence, which is later in the pure land thought can be in one of the main reasons for the folk widely popular. Reigns but does not elegant, this Pure Land Buddhism theories and methods are both he of Tanluan's ideas continue to grow, and Youdao Chuo itself the first analysis, and goodness guide set Nianye to lay the foundation. |
目次 | 前言 6-8 一、判教理論 8-14 (一) 時教機相應學說 8-10 (二) 聖淨二門判 10-13 (三) 淨土宗祖師系統 13-14 二、西方淨土 14-20 (一) 西方淨土的成因 14-16 (二) 西方淨土的功德 16-20 三、修行法門 20-37 (一) 信 20-27 1、淨土是佛土的真實之境 20-23 2、往生淨土是眾生的真實往生 23-26 3、淨穢二土比較,勸歸西方淨土 26-27 (二) 行 27-37 1、發菩提心 27-28 2、念佛法門 28-37 結語 37-39 註釋 39-42 參考資料 42-43 論文摘要(中文) 43-46 論文摘要(英文) 46 後記 49 |
ヒット数 | 1147 |
作成日 | 2008.06.27 |
更新日期 | 2015.11.19 |
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