

漢魏晉中國佛教安般禪觀 ─ 以《安般守意經》為中心=A Study of Chinese Buddhist Contemplation of ?nāpāna in the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasty: focusing on the "An-Ban Shou-Yi Jing"
著者 釋妙博 (撰)=鄧翠盈 (compose)
出版サイト http://www.fgu.edu.tw/~religion/fo/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード安世高; 康僧會; 道安; 金剛寺; 守意; 守一; 翻譯; 禪觀; 安般六事; 觀身; 止觀; An Shi Gao; Kang Seng Hui; Dao An; Kongō-ji; Shou Yi; Shou I; translation; contemplation; Six Profound Methods of Ānāpāna; observasion on body; śamatha-vipaśyana

An Ban Shou Yi Jing (ABSYJ) is the earliest and the most important sutra for Chinese Buddhist contemplation, with regard to the method of “śamatha-vipaśyana”, which can be traced back to its origin. Although it was compiled in the late Han dynasty, the recorded contents in Taisho Tripitaka include the translators’ commentaries from the Wei-Jin dynasty, which added to the complexity of comprehension of this sutra. When the sutra was introduced to China, it happened to mutually interact with Lao-Zhuang and Taoism’s life-nourishment of “inhale and exhale”, a kind of breathing method. With the difference of culture, thoughts and language between China and India, in what way, was the sutra infused into Chinese society, as well as extensively accepted by the public then? What are the differences between An Ban-“Shou Yi” and Lao-Zhuang’s “Shou I”, “Xin Zhai”, and “Zuo Wang” etc.; those ideas, and their difference between the practical aspect? With the latest discovery of a manuscript of An Shi Gao’s An Ban Shou Yi Jing in Kongō-ji, Japan, it provides a new research direction of these issues. Furthermore, after the comparison of the two versions, the sutra and its commentary in Taisho Tripitaka, which were not specified respectively, we can now re-comprehend and re-investigate the hermeneutic and practical perspectives by the Wei-Jin’s commentators on contemplation of ānāpāna as well.
This thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter mainly focuses on late Han, introducing the social background of An Shi Gao, during the time when he translated sutras, as a way to introduce the translation of Buddhist sutras and its translation theory, and also with the issue of the translation of Buddhist sutras in early Central Asia, its contradiction to the local Chinese thoughts as well as its absorption and infusion. The second chapter is based on the contemplation of ānāpāna from the preface of Kang Seng Hui’s and Dao An’s ABSYJ, as a way to analyze the Wei–Jin dynasty commentators’ interpretation, the development and changing of the contemplation. The third chapter is based on the theory of ānāpāna contemplation of ABSYJ to make a classification, and from this aspect develop into three dimensions: 1) relevant sutras from the Theravāda and Mahāyāna Buddhism, records about the “ānāpāna” and “aśubhā-bhāvanā”; 2) the complexity in “Da ABSYJ”, the observation on “body”; 3) the structure of Six Profound Methods, the theory of contemplation of ānāpāna.
According to this research, the translation and commentary on the ABSYJ was by An Shi Gao where he used numerous local Chinese vocabulary to translate, also became the first time for the “transferring of linguistic meaning.” Later, when An Shi Gao “verbally explained” the contemplation of ānāpāna for the first time, he introduced the ABSYJ to the local Chinese. Kang Seng Hui from Wei dynasty, did the second “transferring of linguistic meaning” based on the recording of the verbal contents, in a way that the Chinese could comprehend then, to do the commentaries on the ABSYJ
目次緒論 1
一、 研究動機與目的 1
二、 學界研究概況與文獻分析 4
三、 研究方法與內容 26
四、 研究瓶頸與解決方法 29
五、 預期成果 29
第一章 後漢時期西域佛典傳入中國與翻譯 30
第一節 安世高翻譯佛典的時代背景 30
一、 安世高生平與背景 31
二、 後漢時期的中國佛教 38
第二節 佛典翻譯與翻譯理論 41
一、 後漢佛教經典翻譯初始 41
二、 翻譯理論之基本問題 46
第三節 早期西域佛典翻譯與本土思想之抗拒與消融 50
一、 安般禪觀與中國社會文化之融合 51
二、 後漢道家、道教「守一」思想之流傳 54
三、 「安般守意」與「守一、心齋、坐忘」之差異 59
小結 60
第二章 〈安般守意經序〉之安般禪觀思想 61
第一節 魏.康僧會〈安般守意經序〉之安般禪觀思想 62
一、 康僧會與安世高、會稽陳慧之關係 62
二、 康僧會安般禪觀思想之多元性 66
第二節 東晉.道安〈安般注序〉之安般禪觀思想 74
一、 道安生平背景與著述 74
二、 〈安般注序〉之安般禪觀思想 77
第三節 二家經序之安般禪觀思想遞變與創化 80
一、 二家經序之安般實踐理論 81
二、 魏晉註釋家之「神通觀」 85
小結 92
第三章 《安般守意經》之禪觀理論批判 93
第一節 南北傳「安般念」與「念惡露」經典記載 94
一、 修習入定之初入門方法 95
二、 「安般念」修習緣起與開展 97
三、 「安般六事」修習理論之翻譯 99
小結 101
第二節 《大安般守意經》「觀身」的複雜性 102
一、 「觀身」所緣之複雜對象 102
二、 「觀身」之先後修習次第 110
三、 註釋家之誤讀 111
小結 113
第三節 「安般六事」禪觀理論之建構 114
一、 「安般守意」之實踐語義 115
二、 數隨止之「止門」修習內容 119
三、 觀還淨的「觀門」修習內容 123
小結 128
結論 132
一、 《安般守意經》在中國佛教思想史中的定位 133
二、 《安般守意經》對中國佛教禪定思想的貢獻 136
三、 《安般守意經》予中國佛教安般禪觀的價值 137
四、 未來研究發展 138
參考書目 140

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