曼荼羅的永恆回歸:婆羅浮屠=The Eternal Return of Mandala: Borobudur |
著者 |
曹德啟 (著)=Tsao, Dhe-chi (au.)
出版年月日 | 1999 |
ページ | 123 |
出版者 | 輔仁大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 輔仁大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教學系 |
指導教官 | 惠敏法師 |
卒業年 | 87 |
キーワード | 曼荼羅=Mandala; 密教=Buddhist Esoterism; 佛塔=Stupa; 宇宙主如來=Cosmic Buddha; 婆羅浮屠=Borobudur |
抄録 | 以複雜的圖像呈現神祕境界的曼荼羅可謂集神祕性與象徵性之大成,這樣為數眾多、組織複雜的圖像,究竟想表達什麼?一般而言,曼荼羅有宇宙圖式的含意,故本文藉著考察一連串歷史的發展、實踐的指向、結構的分析,以及實物,理解曼荼羅種種的內外現象,以企求大部分曼荼羅所欲共同表達的內涵。在方法上,除了沿用前人對密教典籍、曼荼羅實踐理論等的研究成果之外,亦試圖以宗教學的觀點,一探曼荼羅及其諸多要素背後的底蘊,而這樣的探求使得圖像學成為本文難以忽視的助力。 在內容上,透過第一章的曼荼羅的歷史發展和第二章結構的分析之後,可知以超越二元對立的「悟」為中心而開展,可謂曼荼羅的基本原則。最後第三章,藉著對曼荼羅基本原則─「悟的本質」的把握與各面向的了解,本文試圖解明謎樣的立體曼荼羅?婆羅浮屠(Borobudur)。 對於形制特異的婆羅浮屠,學者們從不同的進路做出迥異的推論。本論文則認為,迴歸遺跡本身所呈現的事實,加以掌握,才是導出合理推論的基礎。藉由考察遺跡中顯見的思想背景─《華嚴經》以及瑜伽部密教的兩部大經所尋得的的線索;暗示了建構自這些思想的婆羅浮屠,與波羅王朝時期東印度的佛教思想有著密切的關係。 在尊格的定位上,圓壇區以複數的72尊轉法輪如來,傳達了《金剛頂經》所說的面向一切方向、遍滿十方的曼荼羅中尊─大日如來。而第五層的覺觀印佛陀,則是《華嚴經》裡釋迦悟道後,以報身佛的姿態登上色究竟天說法的表現。其次,從思想與建築繼承的角度觀之,做為僧院主尊被奉祀,且當時在東印度大量流行的「降魔成道如來」,為婆羅浮屠帶來影響是肯定的。而婆羅浮屠中央大塔的觸地印如來即是「降魔成道如來」。總之,「降魔成道如來」的姿態是取自釋迦在菩提迦耶成道的那一刻,這一刻對華嚴與密教而言都佔有絕對的意義;因為兩者皆開展自釋迦當年的降魔成道。 但是非注意不可的是,這種姿態的釋迦,並非歷史性的釋迦,而是脫離世俗的歷史脈絡,以其超越時空之「悟」而為宇宙主的釋迦;祂是作為悟的人格性象徵而位居曼荼羅中心。也只有象徵悟之本質的宇宙主釋迦,才能夠完整的象徵華嚴與密教的本質,統合兩個系統的經典而居於婆羅浮屠之中心。而象徵「悟」之本質的菩提迦耶降魔成道,即是曼荼羅的永恆回歸。
The mandala which represents the mysterious level of achievement in religious practice with complex diagrams is the assembly of mystery and symbolism. What is the concept that mandala would like to deliver after all? Generally speaking, mandala contains the conception of cosmic pattern. By means of investigating the development of history, instruction of practice, analyzing of structure, and objects, etc., it is able to realize various internal and external phenomenon of mandala. Afterwards, we would gain the implication that most of the mandalas are collectively expressing. As to the methodology here in the thesis, not only the accomplishment of the literature about Buddhist Esoterism and theory of mandala-practice is inherited, but also the viewpoint of the study of religion is applied as well to search the basement of various elements of mandala. In order to achieve the exploration, it is not possible for lacking the united effort of iconography. Through the investigation of the development of history of mandala in chapter one, and the analysis of structure in chapter two, there something comes to us that taking the "enlightenment" as the center would be the fundamental principle of mandala. At last, the chapter three, by the means of realizing all the aspects about the fundamental principle, the essence of enlightenment, that mandala derives from, and basing on the understanding, we intend to interpret the mysterious solid mandala, Borobudur. Facing the strange form that Borubudur presents, scholars suggest various hypothesis by diametrically different approaches. In this thesis, it is thought, returning to the facts that the monument presents and hold them as clues, would be the foundation to lead us to achieve the reasonable ratiocination. By investigating the background, the monument Borobudur is related to Gandavyuha-sutra and main sutras of Yoga-tantra. As a clue, this conclusion suggests the monument is closely relevant to the Buddhist thought widely spreading in the time of Pala dynasty that located in eastern India. On the identification of buddha statues in Borobudur, the 72 buddhas in Dharma-cakra mudra on the three round terraces convey the central personality , Vairocana, who is described in Tattvasamgraha . As to the buddhas having Vitarka mudra on the fifth balustrade would be Sambhogakaya of Sakyamuni who has his first sermon at Akanistha as described in Avatamsaka. Further, the buddha who shows the demeanor of "Victory over Mara" with Bhumisparsa mudra was flourishing in Pala dynasty in eastern India. On the viewpoint of the inheritance of the thought and architectural design, it would certainly bring Borobudur some effects, so that, the buddha in the great stupa with Bhumisparsa mudra may be possibly the buddha in the demeanor of "Victory over Mara". The image of "Victory over Mara" is imitating from the moment of Sakyamuni''s enlightenment at Bodhgaya, and that means quite much to the doctrines in Avatamsaka and Yoga-tantra; for they''re both deducing their doctrines basing o |
目次 | 序言─研究動機與研究方法 第一章 曼荼羅的形成 1 何謂曼荼羅 1 2 密教與曼荼羅 1 2.1 何謂密 1 2.1.1 密教的神祕主義 3 2.1.2 密教的四個層次 5 2.2 佛教的咒術信仰─事部 6 2.2.1 悟的神祕性 6 2.2.2 真言、明咒與陀羅尼 7 2.2.3 事部的曼荼羅 8 2.3 密教的興起─行部、瑜珈部 10 2.3.1 《大日經》──胎藏曼荼羅11 2.3.2 《金剛頂經》──金剛界曼荼羅 15 2.3.3 五字嚴身與五相成身 20 2.4 後期密教──無上瑜伽部 22 2.4.1 後期密教經典的特色 24 2.4.2 父續──祕密集會 25 2.4.3 母續──喜金剛 27 2.4.4 不二續──時輪金剛 28 2.4.5 生起次第與究竟次第 30 「生起次第」 30 「究竟次第」 31 3 小結 37 第二章 曼荼羅的要素與構成 1 佛塔的開展與曼荼羅 40 1.1 佛塔與聖樹、宇宙軸的概念 41 1.2 宇宙卵 42 1.3 天宮樂園 43 1.4 周邊題材象徵 45 2.1 佛身觀的開展 47 2.1.1 小乘佛身觀 47 2.1.2 大乘佛身觀 47 2.1.3 十方佛到曼荼羅五佛的演變 49 十方諸佛 49 主要方位佛的出現 50 2.2 宇宙主的佛陀 52 2.2.1 法華經的永恆之佛 53 2.2.2 華嚴經的遍照之佛 55 2.2.3 宇宙主佛陀之開展 56 初轉法輪 57 舍衛城神變 58 千佛化現之增殖蓮華 58 千佛化現之宇宙生成 58 2.3 宇宙主佛陀的歸結 59 3 曼荼羅的構造與象徵 60 3.1 立體曼荼羅──關於宇宙的意象 60 3.2 曼荼羅的天宮意象 61 3.3 曼荼羅的周邊象徵 62 4. 小 結 63 第三章 立體的曼荼羅─婆羅浮屠 1 相關思想背景 66 1.1《華嚴經》的成立與流布 66 1.2 《大日經》的流布 68 1.3 《金剛頂經》的流布 70 1.4 小 結 71 2. 婆羅浮屠之解明 72 2.1 爪哇及其周邊 72 2.2 婆羅浮屠的建造 73 2.2.1 建造年代 73 2.2.2 婆羅浮屠的構造 74 3 諸尊的排列與曼荼羅的關係 76 31 從來諸學者的解釋 76 32 諸尊配置的商榷 80 33 再次探討尊像上的問題 86 4 東印度「月城」形式的繼承 86 5 降魔形如來的普及 88 6 小 結 90 結論 附表 圖版 |
ヒット数 | 845 |
作成日 | 2000.11.16
更新日期 | 2023.02.03 |
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