由法藏「新十玄」論台灣教育之重建=The Reconstruction of Taiwan's Education According to Fa Tzang's "shin shr shiuan" |
著者 |
謝時瑩 (著)=Hsieh, Shih-ying (au.)
出版年月日 | 1999 |
ページ | 147 |
出版者 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
学部・学科名 | 教育研究所 |
指導教官 | 林玉体 |
卒業年 | 87 |
キーワード | 法藏「新十玄」=Fa Tzang's "shin shr shiuan"; 教育重建=reconstruction of education; 自由=freedom; 科學=science; 民主=democracy; 愛=love |
抄録 | 教育的目的在培養完整且健全的人格,因此強調自我之自主性啟蒙、人與自然環境及人與社會關係之和諧性。由此,教育亦應於此發揮功能才是;不過,隨著社會變遷與科技發達,在教育實踐過程中卻出現教育功能無法發揮的問題:在自主性啟蒙方面,缺乏學術自由、教學自由、學習自由;個體缺乏批判性思考能力;在人與自然環境關係方面,包括自然生態之破壞、工具理性之宰制;就人與社會關係來說,台灣長期淪為威權統治、教育成為政治之奴僕。諸如此類,皆凸顯出教育在根本上的病態;本研究之所以採取法藏「新十玄」的觀點,主要是因為宗教著重在人生終極意義上提出整全性、根本性的關懷,由法藏「新十玄」中「事事無礙」境界的提出有助於泯除偏執,給予當前的教育實施另外一種思考方式。職此,本研究乃由法藏「新十玄」論教育之重建,主要目的在由教育自主性、人與自然環境關係、人與社會關係等三大問題探討當前的台灣教育;並由法藏「新十玄」衍申出上述三大面向之蘊義,並對此提出重建性的教育主張。茲就蘊義暨教育重建分述結論如下: 在教育自主性之重建上,「新十玄」蘊含破執之自由觀;巨觀方面,強調藉由回歸教育本質、重視鄉土教育、研究台灣教育主體性,鋪陳教育主體性之建立,使師生發揮自覺精神,避免受到意識型態的宰制;微觀方面,述及教師專業自主性之發展,使教師能享有專業自由、參與組織決策、免除外力干預、規畫本身的專業成長;同時,著重學生批判性思考能力之培養,以提昇其自我能力、涵育個人思考模式的合理性。於教育中人與自然環境關係而言,「新十玄」宇宙圓融之科學觀,意在由建立人與自然環境之和諧關係、兼重工具理性與價值理性、重視科學方法與培養科學精神三方面論述教育重建,超越主客二元的世界觀,在知識、科學進步的同時,也能反躬自省人的本質、教育目的之所在,破除片面的認識與了解,獲得真正的解脫與自由。就教育中人與社會關係來說,「新十玄」含蘊有平等與慈悲之宗教觀,強調眾生平等之民主觀與慈悲利他之宗教愛;從而,著重人與社會關係之民主重建,依據每一個體的根性、因緣加以彰顯、提昇;校園民主之奠立,能夠觀照一切,不為成見所礙,深切體認自己的定位;教育愛之發揚,把學生當作目的的存在,誘發受教者向上精進。最後,本研究由法藏「新十玄」的義理引申出自由、科學、民主、愛作為重建教育問題之基石。
The goal of education is to cultivate a whole, healthy personality. In other words, education emphasizes autonomous self-enlightenment, harmonious relations between human beings and the natural environment and harmonious relations between individuals and society. However, as society changes and scientific technology develops, the practice of education does not function very well in Taiwan.Problems of autonomous self-enlightenment can be seen on people who lack freedom of studying , teaching and learning, and the individual who is poor in critical thinking. Problems of the disharmonious relations between human beings and natural environment are the destruction of natural environment, the control of instrumental reason. Problems concerning the disharmonious relations between human beings and society are mainly caused by the long-time authoritative rule and the diseased education which serves as a slave to policy. All the mentioned subjects show clearly the main, basic shortage and problems in Taiwan's diseased education. Religion, like education, manages to afford people a whole and basic concern towards the meanings of life. Besides, the spirit of Buddhism has much enlightenment to reconstructing education. Therefore, this thesis applies the concept "Everything Has No Black "in Fa Tzang's "shin shr shiuan"(法藏「新十玄」)to bring a new vision to Taiwan's education. Firstly, the thesis points out the mentioned three kinds of education problems in Taiwan. Then we try to find the relevant concepts about three kinds in Fa Tzang's "shin shr shiuan" In this way, we suggest proper solutions to reconstruct Taiwan's education. That is, this thesis discusses the reconstruction of Taiwan's education according to Fa Tzang's "shin shr shiuan" . As reconstructing the autonomous self-enlightenment is concerned," shin shr shiuan"supplies as the concept of freedom that emphasize the importance of breaking one's insistence. Thus, it is important to focus on the practice of home-town education, to make teachers and students enlighten themselves, to allows teachers having professional freedom and to cultivate students to think critically "shin shr shiuan"'s round-whole scientific concept of cosmos is useful to solve problems of the disharmonious relations between human beings and natural environment. By establishing harmonious relations between human beings and natural environment, emphasizing both instrumental reason and values reason, and nothing scientific methods and developing scientific spirit, we people can transcend the objective-subjective, universe vision .The reconstruction of education is therefore possible. In addition, "shin shr shiuan" holds concepts of equality and compassion. The former can be viewed as the concept of democracy that emphasizes equality among beings, and the later can be viewed as the concept of love that insists on sympathizing and benefiting the other beings. Finally, according to Fa Tzang's "shin shr shiuan" the thesis concludes that freedom, science, dem |
目次 | 目 錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與步驟 10 第三節 研究範圍與名詞釋義 12 第二章 法藏「新十玄」之意義 14 第一節 法藏「新十玄」之提出 14 第二節 法藏「新十玄」之義理 32 第三節 法藏「新十玄」之進路與終極境界 51 第三章 法藏「新十玄」與台灣教育自主性之重建 60 第一節 教育自主性的問題-以台灣為例 60 第二節 法藏「新十玄」在教育自主性上之蘊義 67 第三節 法藏「新十玄」與台灣教育自主性之重建 70 第四章 法藏「新十玄」與台灣教育中人與自然環境關係之重建 84 第一節 人與自然環境關係中的教育問題-以台灣為例 84 第二節 法藏「新十玄」在教育中人與自然環境關係之蘊義 92 第三節 法藏「新十玄」與台灣教育中人與自然環境關係之重建 96 第五章 法藏「新十玄」與台灣教育中人與社會關係之重建 105 第一節 人與社會關係中的教育問題-以台灣為例 105 第二節 法藏「新十玄」在教育中人與社會關係之蘊義 113 第三節 法藏「新十玄」對台灣教育中人與社會關係之重建 117 第六章 結論 128 參考書目 135 |
ヒット数 | 527 |
作成日 | 2000.11.24
更新日期 | 2023.01.17 |
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