《法華經》生命教育思想研究 — 以天台注釋為主的探討=A Research on Life Education Thoughts of the Lotus Sutra: Based on Teachings from the Tian-tai Sect |
著者 |
涂美玲 (撰)=Tu, Mei-ling (compose)
出版年月日 | 2016 |
ページ | 95 |
出版者 | 南華大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 南華大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教學研究所 |
指導教官 | 釋永本、何建興 |
卒業年 | 105 |
キーワード | 法華經=Lotus Sutra; 生命教育=life education; 佛之知見=wisdom and insight of the Buddha; 一念三千=one thought-moment retract three thousand realms; 四安樂行=four practices of sukha-vihāra |
抄録 | 在這個全球化的時代,物質生活蓬勃發展,然而身心靈的發展逐漸走下波,種種心理疾病,如:精神分裂症、躁鬱症,焦慮症等不斷增加。在功利主義思想的影響下,社會價值觀似乎變得混亂,我們逐漸失去自覺能力,人與人之間的互動愈來愈少,疏離感不斷增加。這些現象反應出生命個體各面向的存在出現狀況。 面對現前生命的困頓,我們應該如何尋求解決之道?如何找到安身立命之道?佛陀是一位偉大的教育家,其一生的教育理念皆離不開對生命的關懷,佛陀由人到覺者的修持過程即是個生命昇華的過程,或許我們可從佛陀的經典教育裡找到救世之道。 佛陀透過《法華經》循循善誘,提示生命真諦,並藉由一佛乘教理,肯定「眾生皆可成佛」,讓生命個體看到生命的意義,引導我們踏上生命的究竟之路!從《法華經》中,可知佛陀出現於世間的主要目的,是要以種種方便、言辭向眾生開佛知見、示佛知見,使眾生悟佛知見、入佛知見,最終趣入一佛乘。本文以佛之知見為主軸,開展出《法華經》的生命教育藍圖。 生命教育除了重視信解,亦重於行證,過程中以般若空慧來開發潛能,啟發覺性。人事物需要管理,同樣的,生命也需管理。本文闡明生命管理學需以空慧為主導,依「四安樂行」的行持來提升生命的價值,從自身生命的管理與觀照來自覺覺他、自利利他,以獲得生命的圓滿自在。 本研究聚焦於《法華經》與現實生命的對話,嘗試從佛之知見來看生命的意義,並從天台智者大師的「一念三千」學說來探討生命的現象。最後,從《法華經》「四安樂行」的實踐來證得生命圓滿之道。佛法在世間,不離世間覺,或許佛法所蘊含的生命智慧可為我們開啟希望之光,為身心靈的教育做出貢獻。
In this era of globalization, material life is flourishing, but the development of body and mind are gradually down wave. Different kinds of mental illness appeared, such as Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders. Under the influence of utilitarian thought, social values seems to become confused that make us gradually lose the self awareness ability, interaction between people a become less and less., sense of alienation increase. Quality of life is gradually sinking, these phenomena reflect the mental and physical development of life is facing problems. What can we do to solve these problems? Buddha is a great educator. He concerned about human’s life , his mission in this world is to cure the sentient beings through dharma . Buddha is cultivate from the human being to the noble saint is a life education process, perhaps we can find the way to safe the world through the Sutra teaching. Buddha showed us the truth of life through the teaching of the Lotus Sutra. Buddha mentioned that all the human beings can attained Buddhahood. Apart from here, we knew that the objective of Buddha coming to this world is to help the human beings to attain the Buddhahood through the four steps of life education process. Buddha want to teach sentient beings with wisdom and insight of the Buddha, to show the sentient beings with wisdom and insight of the Buddha, to enlighten sentient beings with the wisdom and insight of the Buddha, and to cause sentient beings to enter the path of the wisdom and insight of the Buddha. This paper is trying to focus on The Life Education Blueprint of The Lotus Sutra based on the wisdom and insight of the Buddha. Life Education emphasized on theoretical and practical cultivation. Beside showing the truth of the universal, Buddha also taught us the practical ways to become a noble saint. Buddha mentioned that the wisdom of emptiness is important in the life education process. We need the wisdom to inspire the self- awareness of human beings. In the Chapter 14 of the Lotus Sutra, Buddha emphasized about Ease in Practice, there are four practices of sukha-vihāra. (peaceful and happy conduct). These are the practises of the bodhisattva mahāsattva. We can apply these four kinds of practices to manage ours action, speak, mind and vow in order to attain the happiness and joyfulness of life. These were the practices of bodhisattva, will bring happiness to ourselves and others. The research discuss on the dialogue between the Lotus Sutra and the human beings. Buddha said that all sentient beings can attain the Buddhahood, the wisdom and insight of the Buddha inspire the human beings to cultivate and practice Buddhism. Then, understanding the phenomenon of human beings through the study of Tian-tai Chi-I “ one thought-moment, retract three thousand realms” philosophy. Finally, the four practices of sukha-vihāra will lead us to have a peaceful and happy conduct for living wisely and happily. The wisdom of the Lotus Sutra is important for life education! |
目次 | 摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 IV
第一章緒論 1 第一節研究動機及目的 1 第二節文獻探討 3 一、與《法華經》相關的研究 3 二、與天台注釋相關的研究 6 三、與生命教育相關的研究 9 第三節研究方法 13 一、文獻學研究法 13 二、義理分析法 14 第四節全文架構 16 第二章《法華經》的成立與思想特色 19 第一節《法華經》的成立與翻譯 19 一、《法華經》的成立 19 二、《法華經》的原典和翻譯本 20 第二節《法華經》的思想特色 22 一、《法華經》「一佛乘」思想 23 二、《法華經》的「實相」思想 26 第三章生命教育的意涵 31 第一節生命教育的目標與內涵 31 一、生命教育的目標 31 二、生命教育的內涵 34 第二節佛教的生命觀 37 一、佛教對生命教育的看法 37 二、佛教的生命教育特色 39 第四章《法華經》的生命教育藍圖(上)—生命的真諦 43 第一節《法華經》的生命教育目標 43 一、「佛之知見」的意涵 43 二、從佛之知見看生命的意義 46 第二節一念三千與生命教育的對話 49 一、「十如是」的生命實相 50 二、「一念三千」之意涵 53 三、「一念三千」的生命現象 56 第五章《法華經》的生命教育藍圖(下)—生命圓滿之道生命圓滿之道 61 第一節「四安樂行」之實踐內涵 61 一、身安樂行 62 二、口安樂行 66 三、意安樂行 67 四、誓願安樂行 69 第二節依「四安樂行」的持來圓滿生命的意義 71 一、生命管理之意涵 72 二、「四安樂行」與「生命管理」之關涉 74 三、從自我管理到生命的圓滿在 79 第六章結論 81 一、《法華經》呈現的生命教育思想 81 二、《法華經》對當代生命教育的啟悟 82 參考文獻 87 |
ヒット数 | 483 |
作成日 | 2020.02.12 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.09 |
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