《了凡四訓》倫理思想的當代意涵=Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons’ Ethical Thought: Its Contemporary Significance |
著者 |
陳妙珠 (著)
出版年月日 | 2016 |
ページ | 170 |
出版者 | 輔仁大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 輔仁大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教學系碩士在職專班 |
指導教官 | 陳德光 |
卒業年 | 104 |
キーワード | 了凡四訓=Liao-Fan's Four Lessons; 倫理思想=Ethics; 功過格=merits and demerits; 生命教育=life education; 報應與利他=retribution and altruism |
抄録 | 袁了凡(1533-1606),浙江省嘉善縣人,原先相信宿命論,經過雲谷禪師的開示,轉而相信「命由我作,福自己求」,並依此著作《了凡四訓》一書,提倡行善和報應思想,是明清以來在民間流傳最廣的善書之一。 《了凡四訓》倫理思想的實踐步驟包含、立命、改過、行善、謙卑。立命必先去除宿命論,在立命之後人生才有清楚的目標,在立命之後就要重視個人的修為,這時就要重視改過和行善。行善可以同時利己和利他,並且在行善的同時,也要明白謙卑的重要性,「謙受益,滿招損」,因此若不謙卑,就很容易前功盡棄。 本論文最終要提及《了凡四訓》倫理思想在當代社會的踐形,首先是社會的實踐:實踐上要先去除宿命論、再來則是依據功過格作為修養的依據。其次,在教育層面的實踐,當代強調重視身心靈的生命教育,從而在學習和實踐中落實生命的深度和廣度,而《了凡四訓》確實是生命教育可使用的一本教材。最後,袁了凡從道德實踐的層面來進行三教融合,這與當代重視世界和平並從道德實踐的層面進行宗教交談,其目標是一致的。
Yuan Liao-Fan ( 1533-1606 ), a citizen of Jiashan County during the Ming Dynasty, originally believed in fatalism. However, his encounter with Zen aster Yun Gu triggered his conversion. He was persuaded that a person created is/her own fate and could determine his or her fortune; a belief elaborated in iao-Fan's Four Lessons, one of the most popular morality books of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and which upheld good deeds and the idea of retribution . Accordingly, the four steps implied in the implementation of the ethical thought of the Liao-Fan's Four Lessonsare: setting one's destiny, reforming one's life, cultivating kindness and practicing the virtue of humility. As one sets the direction of his or her life, the first thing to do is to eradicate fatalism. The goals of life become hence clear. However, the person still has to watch carefully his or her behavior, to examine her or his merits and demerits and do good deeds. Good deeds can be at the same time beneficial to oneself and to others. In practicing kindness, humility must not be flouted. As the idiom says, “Complacency leads to loss, modesty brings profit and pride comes before a fall.” Would one not be humble, his endeavor will easily come to naught. Ultimately, this research ponders on the realization of Liao-Fan's Four Lessons’ Ethical Thought in contemporary society. First, at social level, implementation requires eradicating fatalism and replacing it with the grid of merits and demerits as the basis for self-cultivation. Second, at educational level, education in modern time emphasizes the importance of body, mind and spirit so as the depth and breadth of life can be implemented through learning and practice. For this reason, Liao-Fan's Four Lessons can indeed be a fitting textbook for life education. Last, the ethical practice Yuan Liao-Fan fostered integrated the three Chinese religious traditions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism). Yuan Liao-Fan’s approach and intention are similar to those of modern society, highly concerned with world peace and striving to enhance ethics through interreligious dialogue. |
目次 | 謝 辭 I 摘 要 II ABSTRACT III 目 次 IV 第一章 緒 論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍、研究方法與文獻回顧 6 第三節 章節安排 15 第二章 《了凡四訓》思想概述 19 第一節 袁了凡的生平經歷 20 第二節 袁了凡的貢獻 26 第三節 《了凡四訓》思想綱領 40 第三章《了凡四訓》倫理思想的義理 51 第一節 立命之學的生命觀 52 第二節 改過之法的省思觀 62 第三節 積善之方的修持觀 72 第四節 謙德之效的德行觀 84 第五節 報應與利他的思想 87 第四章《了凡四訓》倫理思想的實踐 97 第一節 社會實踐:全方位創新的人生觀 97 第二節 教育實踐:因果昭昭的生命教育 103 第三節 宗教融合的實踐:儒道會佛的宗教交流 109 第四節 報應與利他的實踐:踐行時代脈動 115 第五章 結 論 123 參考書目 127 附 錄 143 附錄一 雲谷禪師授袁了凡功過格參雲棲大師「自知錄」 143 附錄二 每日記錄功過格的表格 147 附錄三 《了凡四訓》原文 149 附錄四 袁了凡居士傳 165 附錄五 雲谷大師傳 167 |
ヒット数 | 488 |
作成日 | 2020.02.12 |
更新日期 | 2023.02.03 |
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