試論證嚴法師對「真空妙有」的詮釋與實踐=A Study on Master Cheng Yen’s Interpretation and Application of “True Emptiness and Wondrous Existence” |
著者 |
張佑平 (著)=Chang, Yu-ping (au.)
出版年月日 | 2018 |
ページ | 84 |
出版者 | 慈濟大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 花蓮市, 臺灣 [Hualien shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 慈濟大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教與人文研究所 |
指導教官 | 林建德 |
卒業年 | 106 |
キーワード | 證嚴=Cheng Yen; 真空=True Emptiness; 妙有=Wondrous Existence; 本性=True Suchness; 付出無所求=Giving without asking anything in return; 慈濟=Tzu Chi |
抄録 | 「真空妙有」是佛教中重要的觀念,在佛教的「空」「有」思想中強調圓融、離於斷見與常見兩邊的中道思想;其涵蓋之範疇廣至一切萬法之真理,深至佛菩薩大慈大悲、不住生死亦不住涅槃的真如佛性。然而,多數的探討僅著重於哲學的思辨,其文字與義理常予人難以捉摸、深奧難懂的感覺,難以與個己之生命作連結。
The concept of “True Emptiness and Wondrous Existence” holds an important position in Buddhist philosophy. Its scope covers as widely as the underlying mechanism of the universe, and as deeply as Buddha nature and true suchness. However, discussions on the topic has usually been philosophical that often create a sense of distance with the daily living.
Venerable Master Cheng Yen would be a notable figure in this discussion, for she preaches the ideology that Buddhist teachings should be made relevant to daily living; Bodhisattvas are right here in this human realm. Tzu Chi Foundation, which the venerable founded, has had a global humanitarian outreach, inspiring volunteerism in both the rich and poor alike. Yet at the same time, the venerable emphasizes especially the idea of “true emptiness and wondrous existence”. What is her interpretation of this concept? How does she apply this in her charitable missions as well as in the guidance of her disciples along the Bodhisattva path?
This thesis pieces together 197 records of the venerable’s sermon on the concept of true emptiness and wondrous existence. The paper first introduces the first appearance of the term “true emptiness and wondrous existence”; secondly, discusses the role and importance of the concept within Master Cheng Yen’s school of Buddhism; from there, explores the master’s interpretation of the concept, which stems from the nature of emptiness and dependent origination(緣起性空), at the same time places special focus on the law of dharma itself as the “wondrous existence”, interpreting that as the Buddha nature or true suchness, with that laid out Bodhisattva’s path of practice that aims for the unity between the mind and the universal law, as well as a vision for a harmonized existence. Finally, the paper discusses the application of the concept on the Bodhisattvas path, its basis, direction and method of practice, how compassion could be based on emptiness, and how the master uses daily wordings to preach the practice of “giving without asking anything in return”.
In this way, the paper hopes to carve a more complete picture of the venerable’s take on “true emptiness and wondrous existence”, and how she interprets and applies the teaching to the vision of being Bodhisattvas in this world. |
目次 | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧 2 第三節 研究方法與文獻來源 4 第四節 章節架構 5 第五節 真空妙有概念略考 6
第二章 真空妙有與證嚴上人思想體系 10 第一節 證嚴上人思想體系略述 10 第二節 真空妙有於證嚴上人思想中的重要性 11
第三章 證嚴上人對真空妙有的詮釋 13 第一節 真空妙有契於緣起性空 14 一、 一切皆空 – 從空間、時間、假名分別論述 15 二、 緣起宛然 – 因緣和合而成妙有萬相 17 三、 真空妙有的相互對治 21 第二節 以「理」為緣起法的「妙有」 22 一、 空中尚有緣起法 24 二、 「道理」的特徵 25 第三節 本性妙有相關詞彙的詮釋 29 一、 真如、法性 30 二、 佛性、如來藏 32 三、 慧命 33 第四節 心與宇宙道理合一 35 一、 重視妙有之分別、分別而後合一 35 二、 以「調和」詮釋道理的合一 36 三、 心與道理合一 39 第五節 其他真空妙有的詮釋與運用 41 一、 把握因緣、把握時間 42 二、 安忍不變、願力恆持 43
第四章 真空妙有的實踐 44 第一節 空與慈悲的關聯 44 一、 雖一切皆空,但不應視苦難為空無 45 二、 以空為慈悲的增上 46 三、 安忍於法理(真空妙有)而不動 47 第二節 生活化的真空妙有理想人生 48 第三節 付出無所求的人間菩薩修行道路 56 一、 以付出為修行、次第成就弘誓願力 56 二、 先付出、付出中真空 65
第五章 結論 67 第一節 研究發現 67 第二節 未來研究展望 69 |
ヒット数 | 439 |
作成日 | 2021.11.24 |
更新日期 | 2023.02.03 |
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