

《法苑珠林》中的彌陀淨土感應故事──淨土宗以外的一種敘述觀點=The Pure Land Miraculous Stories in Fayuan Zhulin --A Narrative Perspective outside of Pure Land Sect
著者 陳真鈺 (著)=Chen, Jhen-yu (au.)
出版サイト https://www.yuntech.edu.tw/
出版地雲林縣, 臺灣 [Yunlin hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官王晴薇=Wang, Ching-wei
キーワード彌陀淨土=Rebirth in the Pure Land; 見佛=Vision of Buddha; 往生=Pure Land of the Amita Budda; 道世=Daoshi; 《法苑珠林》=Fayuan Zhulin


The Fayuan Zhulin, or the Collection of Pearls in the Garden of Dharma compiled by Daoshi 道世, an early Tang monk is a collection that combines the Buddhist scriptures, interpretations of these scriptures, and miraculous stories to verify these scriptures. Due to its comprehensive collections of scriptures and stories, this text is regarded as an encyclopedia of Buddhism. In this text many early records related to the Western Pure Land of the Amita Buddha can be found. In Chinese Buddhism, Pure Land believes usually follow a type of practice that aims for the rebirth in the Western Pure Land through a whole-hearted worship and homage to the Buddha Amita. In Fayuan Zhulin, two types of miraculous tales related to the Amita Buddha’s Pure Land can be detected. One type of the stories portray examples of rebirth in the Western Pure Land and the other type record incidents in which the Amita Buddha were present in this world for the salvation of sentient beings. Approximately around the time that Daoshi 道世was compiling the Fayuan Zhulin , the founders of the Pure Land School such as Tan Luan 曇鸞, and DaoChuo道綽were making the Pure Land School more accessible to the populace by simplifying the method of Pure Land practice and through the compilation of the so called wangsheng zhuan (往生傳, biographies of the Buddhists who attained Rebirth) to promote the Pure Land Practice. In the Fayuan Zhulin and these Biographies of Buddhists who attained Rebirth, we find different descriptions of the same miraculous incidents that reflect the different authors’ focus in their descriptions and the different perspectives adopted by these authors in their observation of these incidents. After Tang Dynasty, the Pure Land Belief became much more popular in China and more Biographies of Buddhists who attained rebirth were compiled within the Pure Land School. Through a comparison and Contrast of the Pure Land miraculous stories recorded in the Fayuan Zhulin and the Pure Land School wangsheng zhuan, we can obtain a more clear picture of the development of the wangsheng zhuan in China and how some of the later wangsheng zhuan were influenced by the Fayuan Zhulin. Above all, through a contrast of the biographies of Pure Land School founders such as Tanluan and Daochuo recorded in the Fayuan Zhulin and the Pure Land School biographies, the intention and perspectives underlying these Pure Land school biographies would become clear to us.

This thesis contains six chapters. The first chapter is introduction in which I discuss what motivated me to investigate this topic, my method of research and a literature review for related research. The second chapter deals with Daoshi’s biography and briefly introduces the historical development of the Pure Land belief associated with the Amita Buddha in China. The third chapter categorizes the various types of the miraculous stories related to the Amita’s Pure Land collected in the Fayuan Zhulin and attempts to come up with a classification system for these stories. In the fourth chapter, I compare and contrast the stories related to the Amita Pure Land collected in the Fayuan Zhulin and the wangsheng zhuan compiled by the Pure Land School followers from the Tang dynasties through the Ching Dynasty. The focus of my reading center on the characters that appear in both Fayuan Zhulin and the Pure Land School biographies. The Fifth chapter is a detaile
目次中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機和目的 1
第二節 研究方法 6
第三節 前人研究成果探討 7
第四節 論文架構 11
第二章 釋道世生平與著作與彌陀淨土信仰的發展背景 17
第一節 釋道世生平與著作 17
第二節 彌陀淨土信仰的發展背景 23
一、彌陀淨土的義涵 23
二、彌陀淨土經典的傳譯 28
(一)《般舟三昧經》 28
(二)淨土三經 32
第三章 《法苑珠林》彌陀淨土感應事蹟類型──往生淨土與見佛 39
第一節 《法苑珠林》中的彌陀淨土感應事蹟 39
一、《法苑珠林》彌陀淨土感應事蹟與界定 39
二、《法苑珠林》彌陀淨土感應模式──往生與見佛 44
第二節 《法苑珠林》中的往生類型 54
一、臨終往生且見佛 54
(一)標準模式:歸心彌陀淨土 54
(二)非歸心彌陀模式:造經感應與般舟三昧禪觀 60
二、往生後在淨土見佛 64
三、臨終往生但現世見佛 67
四、臨終往生而無見佛描述 72
第三節 《法苑珠林》中的見佛與夢佛類型 80
一、崇信感應 80
二、造像感應 84
三、持經感應 86
第四章 《法苑珠林》之描述角度與歷代彌陀淨土感應錄之比較 87
第一節 歷代往生西方淨土傳 87
第二節 唐代往生傳的彌陀感應事蹟 89
一、後世往生傳中的記載情形 91
二、《法苑珠林》與《淨土論》中相同人物比較 95
(一)魏世子 96
(二)曇遠傳 99
第三節 宋代往生傳的彌陀感應事蹟 103
一、與諸往生傳之關係 105
二、《淨土往生傳》之特色 106
第四節 明、清之後再度出現的彌陀感應事蹟 109
一、明、清代往生傳皆有記載的事蹟 111
二、僅清代往生傳有記載的事蹟 112
第五節 不被後世往生傳納入之淨土事蹟 114
第五章 淨土宗師感應事蹟之敘述方式比較──一個淨土宗派立場之外的描述角度 117
第一節 迦才生平與《淨土論》中的往生事蹟 117
第二節 《法苑珠林》與《淨土論》中的曇鸞傳比較 122
一、早年生活與生存時代 126
二、出家因緣與神異事蹟 128
三、菩提流支贈《觀經》與歸心淨土 130
四、往生彌陀淨土之情形 132
五、嫻熟經論之狀與生平著作 135
第三節 《法苑珠林》與《淨土論》中的道綽傳比較 136
一、早年生活 139
二、師從曇鸞與歸心淨土 139
三、善弘淨土之情形與生平著作 141
四、往生情況 143
第四節 後世往生傳中的淨土宗師事蹟 143
一、曇鸞傳 144
二、道綽傳 146
第六章 結論 149
參考文獻 153

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