著者 |
高璽鈞 (撰)=Hsi-chun Kao (compose)
出版年月日 | 2017.06.30 |
ページ | 166 |
出版者 | 國立中山大學中國文學系研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 國立中山大學 |
学部・学科名 | 中國文學系研究所 |
指導教官 | 楊濟襄、陳玉女 |
卒業年 | 105 |
キーワード | 臺灣佛教; 光明王寺; 悟光; 東密; 禪; 真言密教 |
抄録 | 釋悟光(1918-2000)出生於信仰混雜的臺灣社會,自幼素有祭祀科儀之興趣,及長遊歷諸方尋仙訪道而無驗,後遇禪師指點「悟心」之旨,因此轉而學佛。1955年悟光抵竹溪寺開啟學佛之途,1957年禮釋眼淨(1898-1971)出家。悟光學佛正逢戰後大陸佛教主導的臺灣教界環境,悟光跟隨受到釋太虛(1890-1947)理念影響的眼淨學習行政、興辦教育,復振竹溪寺法務。然悟光尋思深入修持,遂入關三月。後遇貢噶(1903-1997)而轉習藏密,學諸藏法。然悟光不自滿意,1969年往六龜閉關三載,持咒感應、閱藏著書,修學不斐。復以修學疑惑不得解釋,1971年赴日本高野山求學真言密法,獲授灌頂,得法證位。1972年返臺,開始布教,其著作遍及日本密教譯述、東密思想闡釋等,教學則宗東密典籍與空海思想,更以密教元素設計本山道場,顯露悟光定向東密的抉擇。 悟光的宗教經歷體現其修學的種種澱積,而所處時代諸般因緣的牽引連動,終使悟光抉擇修學方向。這段歷程反映其生命橫跨臺灣歷史的戰前與戰後,追尋宗教修行歷經轉折,最終皈向生命所趨的東密道途。
Wu-Kuang(1918-2000) was born in a society filled with many different religions. He was interested in religious worship since he was a child. As an adult, he traveled to many places in pursuit of immortal cultivation but was never successful. Eventually, he met a Chan monk who taught him the importance of Buddhist enlightenment. Thus, Wu-Kuang began to study Buddhism. He officially began to study Buddhism when he arrived at Zhuxi temple in 1955. He was tonsured by Master Yen-Ching(1898-1971). After the civil war in Mainland China, Chinese Buddhism came to prominence among Buddhists in Taiwan. Wu-Kuang followed Yen-Ching who was influenced by Tai-Xu (1890-1947) to learn administration, promote education, and reorganize administrative structure at Zhuxi temple. However, Wu-Kuang wanted to study Buddhism more deeply instead, so he went on a retreat for about three months. Then he followed Kung-Ka(1903-1997) who is a Guru of Tibetan Buddhism to learn Tantrism. Afterwards, Wu-Kuang conducted another retreat in Liu-Kuei for three years from 1969 to 1971. He held mantras and studied Tripitaka very well, but some questions couldn’t be answered, so he decided to study abroad in Kōyasan. He was at Kōyasan to study Shingon Esoteric Buddhism in Japan from 1971 to 1972. He received teachings and empowerments of the Kōyasan Shingon-shū Chuin-Ryu Lineage tradition. In 1972, Wu-Kuang returned Taiwan and preached. He began to translate some books and did his writings which includes Shingon Esoteric Buddhism translation and explanations about Shingon-shū thoughts, etc. His teaching followed Shingon-shū scriptures and Kūkai ‘s thoughts. In addition, Wu-Kuang designed his temple by Esoteric Buddhism concept which reflected the influence of Shingon-shū. Wu-Kuang's journey of religious enlightenment which finally gave in to Wu-Kuang’s ultimate study choice presented the achievement of his religious learning and each factor in the era he lived. Moreover, the process reflected Wu-Kuang’s life across WWII in Taiwan. He pursued and chose his further study in religion and led the road to Shingon-shū at last. |
目次 | 論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 中文摘要 v Abstract vi 目次 viii 圖次 xi 表次 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 文獻回顧 3 第三節 研究方法 9 第四節 研究架構 8 第二章 釋悟光學佛前的宗教背景與信仰歷程 10 第一節 日本殖民統治時期的宗教政策動向(1915-1945) 10 一、臺灣信仰文化的混雜性與日治前期佛教的發展 10 二、日治後期臺灣宗教政策的走向 14 第二節 戰後的社會轉變與佛教動向(1945-1955) 16 一、二戰末的動盪與戰後政權轉移的社會氛圍 16 二、大陸僧侶來臺與臺灣佛教的變動 19 第三節 悟光接觸道法修練、法派與齋教的歷程(1918-1955) 26 一、悟光成長背景的信仰氛圍與尋訪道術的經歷 26 二、轉向道家修煉與結緣佛教之契機 31 第三章 釋悟光竹溪寺時期的修學與六龜閉關的歷程 35 第一節 竹溪寺的行政與修學經驗(1955-1969) 35 一、跟隨眼淨出家的因緣 35 二、協理寺務的執事經歷 37 三、師徒的互動與學習 45 四、初閉禪關三個月 49 第二節 兼從貢噶學習藏密(1960-1968) 55 一、迎請貢噶始末及共修參與 55 二、貢噶系道場的修行氛圍 64 三、出版《瑜伽養生術與秘密道》69 第三節 六龜閉關的修學經歷(1969-1971) 75 一、持咒獲得感應 75 二、閱藏與著作 79 三、修學未解的疑惑 86 第四章 釋悟光東密的抉擇與定向 89 第一節 轉向東密的選擇 89 一、修行興趣驅使密教探索 89 二、宗教學習歷程的願求 91 三、語言、文化的熟稔度 92 四、留學日本的教界風氣 93 五、政治、外交關係的影響 94 六、交通與地理的易行性 96 第二節 高野山的研修與信仰氛圍(1971-1972) 97 一、修行與研究的傳統 97 二、信仰空海的風氣 110 第三節 東密傳統對悟光的影響 111 一、譯著、思想與教學 111 二、道場建築的設計 119 第五章 結論 126 參考文獻 130 附錄一 釋悟光生平年表 147 附錄二 釋悟光著作年表 151 |
ヒット数 | 224 |
作成日 | 2023.07.20 |
更新日期 | 2023.07.20 |
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