

An Analytical Study of the human's way of life in Buddhist Philosophy
著者 Thongsuk Sucitto
出版者Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
出版サイト http://www.mcu.ac.th/En/index.php
出版地Bangkok, Thailand [曼谷, 泰國]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
言語英文=English; 泰文=Thai
学校Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
指導教官Phramaha Tuan Siridhammo
抄録 The purposes of this research aims at analysis ideas and ways of life of human beings according to the Buddhist philosophy. The researcher would like to study the vision of human beings' way of life in order to gain knowledge and understanding about human beings in the society, according to the moral standard, our life aims at ethical issues and the highest attitude of human being which are the ultimate goal of human beings.

This Thesis is divided into 6 chapters as follows :

The first chapter is Introduction and objectives of research.

The second chapter of the thesis expresses the ideas about human life. We should take serious consideration about our birth, sickness and death. According to the Tripitaka, we do not emphasize on searching for greatest philosophy about the development of human beings in the primitive age because it does not help human beings to be able to get rid of anxieties and sufferings at all. The composition of the most important thing in life is the abstract thing and natural soul which is related to each other. These two things are inseparated.

Naturally, human beings are different from each other. However, we can categorize human beings according to their knowledge, sex, virtue and spirit. In Buddhist philosophy, doctrine of human beings are controlled by the law of doctrine and the three Characteristics. Furthermore, other living creatures are controlled by previous factors and not by other types of spirits.

The third chapter deals with the analysis is concerned the meaning of human beings' way of life. We behave in accordance with the moral standard or Ethics. If we would like to live with others peacefully, we should live by behaving according to the eighthfold path : moral, concentration and wisdom.

The fourth chapter is the Buddhist philosophy indicated that we need to live and behave by following 6 ways of life. It depends on different status and duties. But they are related to each other and should be practiced reasonably.

The fifth chapter is the analytical study about the highest aim of life. It is the ultimate goals of human beings. The Buddhist philosophy found out that the ultimate goal is to get rid of anxieties and sufferings. We will be able to get rid of such anxieties by practising the eighthfold path in our lives. Following the eighthfold path will free human beings from anxieties and sufferings which is "Nirvana" or "The Real Happiness".

The sixth chapter is conclusion the result of research study and suggestion.

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