

An Analytical Study of Humanism in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy
著者 Prasit Siripanno
出版者Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
出版サイト http://www.mcu.ac.th/En/index.php
出版地Bangkok, Thailand [曼谷, 泰國]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
言語英文=English; 泰文=Thai
学校Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
指導教官Phramaha Pithoon Vidhuro
抄録 The purpose of this research is to study on “An Analytical of Humanism in Theravada Buddhist philosophy”. It is a critical study of the value and dignity of human being including substance of life useful to both an individual his society. The primary and main source of data for this study is the Tipitaka. The reader can gain the advantage and realization of the meaning of Humanism according to the views of Buddhist Philosophy and of other scholars
The research is divided into 5 chapters as given below :-
Chapter 1 : Background and significance of the research
Chapter 2 : Meaning, background, nature and scope of humanism
Chapter 3 : Humanism in Theravada Buddhist philosophy
Chapter 4 : Buddhist Philosophy on Humanism and problem of human rights
Chapter 5 : Conclusion and Suggestion
The result of this study leads to an important conclusion that Buddhist philosophy gives more importance to human being by guiding man to know the right path, i.e., the Noble Eightfold Path which is the way of self-realization in order to attain to the real goal of human life, that is Nibbana which is the end of all sufferings. And it also leads us to realize the value and dignity of human being because Buddhist philosophy holds that the perfect human being must be endowed with two important qualities ; namely, right knowledge and right action which are useful to oneself and his society. This is certainly the virtue of the Buddha. So the motto of the Buddhists is “Knowledge must be coupled with virtue”
Buddhist philosophy holds that man can have perfect freedom in so for as he can use wisdom to realize all things in order to eradicate his defilements by not allowing his mind go under the influence of any defilement and by lifting it up to the state of real liberation. The real freedom is certainly the “Free will of the enlightened ones or Arahantas”
About doing something good to society Buddhist philosophy has shown the way for human being to use his capacity and intelligence to behave himself nicely and morally. That is to perform his human duties uttermost in order to bring about benefits to society as much as possible. Especially the Buddhist principles of “Service” (Sangahavatthu Dhamma) and the virtures of sublime life (Brahmavihara Dhamma) aim at making group integration and social relation among human beings in order to achieve inter recognition to reduce selfishness and conflicts about equilibrium in various aspects such as political, economical and social etc.

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