

從網路概念看精神宇宙的結構=A Possible Structure of Spiritual Universe as Viewed from the Internet Model
著者 王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen
掲載誌 佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号v.2 n.1
ページ34 - 38
出版サイト http://www.obf.org.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード微網站=micro-web site; 巨網站=macro-web site; 精神宇宙=spiritual universe; 王立文=Wang, Lin-wen
抄録當一個人上網進入一網站,他所使用個人電腦中可以萬象俱現,他可以進入許多網站,且在每個網上的電腦中皆可萬象俱現,相互連接,重重無際. 許多網上電腦皆可同時進入相同,相關之網站,從一個電腦處進入某網站輸入一些資料,其他電腦也都可以接收到信息,毫無障礙. 以往我們想像佛教中提到的彌勒淨土,西方極樂世界,東方琉璃世界總從有形的物理世界來思考,思考那些地方距離地球多少光年,但當我們專注於電腦中的網站內容,我們的精神其實進入了網站的世界,有時甚至忘了身體的存在,假使有一天我們沒了身體,而精神仍存在,則我們精神的宇宙將有可能像網際網路結構模式. 我們若能記得網址且有足夠的願力及因緣,便可藉著網路結構輕易地進入各種不同的精神網站世界,如西方極樂世界與東方琉璃世界. 類似念佛念咒可能就有網址的作用,假使有一天我們脫離了身體的束縛,在精神宇宙中遨遊時,記住某些網址可能是非常有用的.當然可能有某種機制,對某些十惡不赦的人,自動就送這些靈魂去一特定網站 -- 地獄,對勤行善事之人,他們的靈魂便會直達另一網站 -- 天堂或極樂世界,介乎其中的靈魂便可去各式各樣的網站,這些網站是可以相通互連的,如果把精神網站稍微歸類,所謂六道輪迴或跳出輪迴的觀念亦就不難理解. 如果有靈魂非常執著於某一特定網站,基本上這是一有執著,不自在的靈魂是易感受痛苦的,如果一靈魂進入各網站都能不沉溺陷入,自在地出入,那就是一應無所住的平靜,自在,開悟之靈魂了.網際網路提供了精神宇宙結構一個非常好的模式,地球上的微網站間的溝通相當容易,未來巨網站的溝通若能如微網站一樣,精神宇宙的資訊時代亦可能來臨,生靈的生活會逐漸有宇宙的意義.

目次一. 前言
二. 巨網站的互通
三. 巨網站溝通的未來展望
四. 結論

When one opens the internet through a personal computer,one feels as if many stars appear from heaven,which offers various vistas with infinite number of web sites. Furthermore,computer offers millions possibilities as if various stars pearls mutually connected back and forth without ending. Almost infinite number of users can simultaneously open their computers and receive information without any hindrance or delay. This reminds one the frequent sayings in Buddhism such as "Maitreya pure land","supremely happy western world",and the "eastern pearl world",which seems to refer to a far away physical world. In fact it is so far away that one talks about the distance in terms of light years. However,when one enters the computer's internet,one feels that one's spiritual being enters the internet universe without the usual accompanying physical presence. One can imagine:Maybe one day only our spiritual souls are in existence and our spiritual world is somewhat similar to the network of the internet. With some effort and pratyaya, one can transverse the various spiritual addresses and the spiritual network universe as if one enters the "supremely happy western world" and the "easten pearl world". If we pray earnestly enough, our spiritual soul can travel the internet universe as long as we remember certain particular and important network addresses.

Concerning heaven and hell,we can imagine that our spiritual network can provide addresses for both the blessed and the damned,and those in between. The damned persons automatically enter a pre-specified web site,which is hell,and the souls of the blessed enter another web site,which is heaven or the supremely happy world. For persons in between,various different addresses with infinite mutual connections can be provided,which is partitioned according to the so-called "6-levels". If some spiritual being is anxious for a given address, then this being will be very painful without it naturally. If no network addresses attract a particular soul,and these addresses can enter or exit at will,then that spiritual soul is in peace and self-content.

Internet provides an excellent made as a bridge for us to understand the structure of the spiritual universe. Communication among the micro-websites on earth is comparatively easy. If communication among the future macro-websites can be just as these micro ones, the spiritual universe can well be much more active,signifying the immensity of the spiritual universe's information era. The life of the universe would start to take on universal meaning.
ISSN16072952 (P)

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