略論華嚴別教一乘與同教一乘之異同=A Short Note on the Differences between the Distinct Teaching One Vehicle of the Hua Yen Ching and the Common Teaching One Vehicle |
著者 |
莊崑木=Chuang, Kun-mu
掲載誌 |
法光學壇=Dharma Light Lyceum
巻号 | n.1 |
出版年月日 | 1997 |
ページ | 79 - 88 |
出版者 | 法光佛教文化研究所=Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 聲聞; 賢首宗=華嚴宗=Hua-yen Buddhism; 緣起=十二因緣=Pratityasamutpada; 緣起=pratitya-samutpada=conditions=paticca-samuppada; 大乘; 華嚴經=大方廣佛華嚴經=Buddhavatamsaka Sutra=Gandavyuha Sutra; 法藏=Dharma-store; 一佛乘=一乘=ekayana |
抄録 | 華嚴別教一乘無盡緣起為華嚴宗特有之宗義,也是其圓教之圓義,但因華嚴經不共聲聞與其他大乘,所以如何以華嚴別教統攝一切經教便成華嚴宗的重要課題。經過智儼(602-668 CE)及法藏(643-712 CE)師徒兩代的努力,建力了同別二教的理論來解決這個問題。其中最主的論點是透過法華的會三歸一而立了「同教一乘」,以作為聯結「別教一乘」的主橋梁。別教一乘與同教一乘的異同,相同的是「一乘」,不同的是「別教」與「同教」之差異。在同一異中,智儼及法藏建立了別教華嚴勝於同教法華的理論,也就是華嚴勝於天台。智儼的意見主集中在《搜玄記》及《孔目章》,而法藏則是在《五教章》中闡述,本文便以他們的意見為中心來討論同別二教的相關問題。
The unlimited dependent arising of the Distinct Teaching One Vehicle of the Hua yen ching, which also refers to the "round" in "round teaching," is a peculiar doctrine of the Hua-yen School. However, since the Hua yen ching is not common to the Hearers and the rest of the Mahaayaana the important question arises how the distinct teaching of the Hua yen ching could encompass the teachings of all the sutras. Chih-yen (602-668 CE) and Fa-tsang (643-712 CE) put much effort into establishing a theoretical foundation to solve this problem. The most important of their tenets is the "Common Teaching One Vehicle" which is founded on the basis of the "combining three into one" as taught in the Lotus Sutra. This served as the bridge to connect with the Distinct Teaching One Vehicle. As to the relationship between the Common Teaching One Vehicle and the Distinct Teaching One Vehicle, they have the "one vehicle" in common and diff er in terms of "common teaching" versus "distinct teaching". On the basis of this commonness and difference, Chih-yen and Fa-tsang established the theory that Hua yen which propounds the distinct teaching excells the Lotus which preaches the common teaching, or in other word that the Hua-yen system surpasses the T'ien-t'ai system. Chih-yen's ideas can be gathered primarily from the T'an hsu an chi and K'ung mu chang while Fa-tsang's explanations are to be found in the Wu chiao chang. Concentrating on the thought of these masters the present paper discussed problems related to the common and distinct teachings. |
ヒット数 | 1390 |
作成日 | 1998.04.28
更新日期 | 2017.08.23 |
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