The Establishment of the Theory of the Two Truths=二諦理論之建立 |
著者 |
Shih, Chang-qing (著)=釋長青 (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.5 |
出版年月日 | 2001.03 |
ページ | 249 - 289 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
ノート | 中文提要:p.289. |
キーワード | Two Truths; Existence and Non-Existence; Realm; Wisdom; Principle; Destruction and Eternality; 二諦; 有與無; 境; 智; 智慧; 原理; 斷與常 |
抄録 | This paper is one of the seven chapters in my PhD thesis. There are three sections. In the first section,I expound the early Chinese interpretations of the two truths, according to chronological order. In the second section,I explain the reasons why Chi-tsang establishes the theory of the two truths. Besides that,I also give an account of the relationship between the two truths and the Sanlun school. Finally,I go one step further to illustrate the significance and benefits of the two truths from Chi-tsang's point of view. One can summarise the discussion of this paper as follows: 1. There are those who had interpreted the two truths before Chi-tsang's time,such as Seng-chao,Prince Chao-ming,Fa-yuen,Hui-yuean,Harivarman etc. Nevertheless, their usage of the terms "existence" (yu) and "non-existence" (wu) to explain the two truths appeared rather vague and ambiguous. 2. Chi-tsang's reason in establishing the two truths is to abandon the two extreme views of annihilationism and enternalism. His idea in establishing the two truths was influenced by his predecessors such as Naagaarjuna and Fa-lang. 3. There is a close relationship between the two truths and Sanlun school in which the two truths play an important role. 4. The two truths are significant for one to obtain wisdom. Chi-tsang explains the benefits of the two truths from both the mundane and the supramundane standpoints. Nonetheless, his approach places more emphasis on the supramundane than the mundane perspective.Nevertheless, Chi-tsang also attempts to include the mundane view as well in order to highlight the significance and benefit of the two truths.
本文為我的博士論文七大章中之一小章. 其共有三節. 在第一節裡,我以不同年代來解釋中國早期對二諦之詮釋. 在第二節中,我解釋吉藏為何要建立二諦之理由. 除此外,我也闡述了二諦與三論宗間的關係. 最後,我甚至進一步從吉藏之立場來說明二諦之重要及利益. 以下為本文作了研究後所得出之結果: (1) 早在吉藏前,已有些人對二諦作了詮釋,如僧肇,昭明太子,法雲,慧遠,訶黎跋摩等等. 雖如此,他們皆用「有」及「無」兩種術語來解釋二諦. 這顯示出作法相當粗糙及模糊. (2) 吉藏建立二諦之理由是為要破除「斷常」極端之二見. 吉藏建立二諦之概念是受到其先驅者如龍樹及法朗之影響度 (法朗為吉藏之老師). (3) 二諦與三論宗之關係非常密切,尤其二諦扮演著重要的角色. (4) 若想擁有智慧,先知道二諦是非常重要的. 吉藏從世間及出世間立場來解釋二諦之利益. 然而,與世間相比,其多從出世間角度來強調二諦之利益. 雖如此,吉藏也嘗試站在世間立場來說明二諦之重要及利益. |
目次 | 1. Early Chinese Interpretations of the Two Truths 2. Establishment of the Two Truths and the Relationship with the Sanlun School 2. 1 Establishment of the Two Truths 2. 2 The Relationship with the Sanlun School 3. The Significance and Benefits of the Two Truths 3. 1 The Significance of the Two Truths 3. 2 The Benefits of the Two Truths |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
ヒット数 | 2526 |
作成日 | 2001.03.30; 2002.07.23
更新日期 | 2017.07.28 |
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