

《金剛經》的詮釋與流傳=The Inperpretation and Transmittal of the Diamond Sutra
著者 楊惠南 (著)=Yang, Hui-nan (au.)
掲載誌 中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
ページ185 - 230
出版者中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版サイト http://www.chibs.edu.tw/publication_tw.php?id=12
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
言語中文=Chinese; 英文=English
ノート全文:http://www.chibs.edu.tw/chibs/journal/JR-BJ001/14/185-228. htm
キーワード無生父母=the unborn parents; 《金剛經》=Diamond Sutra; 《金剛經解義》=Explanation of the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gangjing jieyi); 《金剛經口訣》=Secret Oral Teachings on the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gangjing koujue); 《御注金剛般若波羅蜜經宣演》Daoyin's Exposition of the Imperial Commentary to the Diamond Sutra(Yuzhu jin'gang bore poluomijing xuanyan); 《金剛般若經纂要》=Zongmi's Essentials of the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gangjing borejing zuanyao); 《銷釋金剛經科儀》=Zongjing's Explanation of the Diamond Sutra, with Section Headings (Xiaoshi jin'gangjing keyi); 空=Emptiness; 林兆恩=Lin Zho'en; 羅教=the Luo Religion; 無為教=the Non-action Religion; 《五部六冊》=Five Scriptures and Six Texts; 真空家鄉=the hometown of true Emptiness
抄録本文以中國歷代對姚秦 鳩摩羅什所譯《金剛般若波羅蜜經》的註釋 (共六十五部) 為中心,對「空」這概念,做一思想演變的研究. 筆者發現:(1)越是後期的註釋,越是視該經為義經; (2)民間宗教信仰系統的註釋,較「正統」佛教的註釋,推崇該經; (3)越是後期的註解,越是有將「空」實體化,並視之為能出生宇宙萬法之本體的傾向.

其中幾部關鍵性的註釋是:(1)隋朝天台宗大師 -- 智顗《金剛般若經疏》,將該經視為不了義的「通教」經典. 這代表第一期的《金剛經》註釋. (2)傳為唐 惠能所作的《金剛經解義》和《金剛經口訣》,唐 道氤《御注金剛般若波羅蜜經宣演》,唐 宗密《金剛般若經纂要》,宋 宗鏡《銷釋金剛經科儀》,及明 洪蓮《金剛經註解》等,則代表中期《金剛經》註. 它們的特色是:將「空」和「佛性」,「如來藏」等真常思想相結合,為「空」的實體化打下初步的基礎. 其中,尤以宗鏡《銷釋金剛經科儀》影響最為深遠. 明,清民間宗教將「空」視為能出生萬物的思想,即源自該《科儀》. (3)代表明末以來民間宗教系統的《金剛經》註,最主的有明代三一教主 -- 林兆恩的《金剛經統論》,及由乩童所扶乩出來的《金剛經註釋》,《金剛經注解》等. 這些註釋的特色是將《金剛經》推崇為最高價值的佛典,並將「空」視為能出生宇宙萬物的本體. 而它們都和明末民間教派 -- 羅教 (無為教) 的「真空家鄉」有關.

This paper focuses on the 65 traditional Chinese commentaries on Kumarajiva's translation of the Vajracchedika-prajna-paramita sutra (commonly known as the Diamond Sutra),thereby examining the philosophical evolution of the concept of Emptiness (Sunyata). The examination of these sources revealed several facts:1) the later the commentary,the more likely it was to regard this scripture as giving ultimate rather than provisional teachings; 2) the scripture is more extensively propagated in folk Buddhist commentarties than in "orthodox" Buddhist works; and 3) the later the commentary,the more tendency there was to reify the concept of Emptiness, regarding it as the transcendental essence and source of the phenomenal universe.

The key commentaries examined in this study are the following:1) Tiantai Zhiyi's Commentary on the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gang bore jing shu) (Sui Dynasty),which classifies the Diamond Sutra as a provisional scripture,belong to what in Tiantai is called the "Shared Teaching" (tongjiao). This represents the earliest stratum of Diamond Sutra commentary. 2) Explanation of the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gangjing jieyi) and Secret Oral Teachings on the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gangjing koujue),both attributed to Huineng (Tang Dynasty); Daoyin's Exposition of the Imperial Commentary to the Diamond Sutra (Yuzhu jin'gang bore poluomijing xuanyan) (Tang Dynasty); Zongmi's Essentials of the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gangjing borejing zuanyao) (Tang Dynasty); Zongjing's Explanation of the Diamond Sutra, with Section Headings (Xiaoshi jin'gangjing keyi) (Song Dynasty); and Honglian's Commentary on the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gangjing zhujie) (Ming Dynasty),which represent the middle period of Diamond Sutra commentary. 3) The main works representing the late period of commentary,rooted in the folk religion of the late Ming and thereafter,are the Comprehensive Treatise on the Diamond Sutra (Jin'gangjing tonglun),by Lin Zhao'en,founder of the syncretic Ming "new religion" "the Three-in-One Teaching" (sanyi jiao); and Diamond Sutra commentaries received on planchettes by diviners. These commentaries are characterized by a tendency to classify the Diamond Sutra as a Buddhist scripture of the very highest value,and to consider Emptiness to be a substance or essence which is capable of producing the phenomenal universe. They are all related to the late Ming folk sect,the Luo (Non-Action) religion's notion of "the hometown of true Emptiness."
目次一. 早期中國主流佛教對《金剛經》的看法
二. 中期中國主流佛教對《金剛經》的看法
三. 明末以來新興教派對《金剛經》的看法
四. 結論
ISSN10177132 (P)

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