荷澤神會的心性思想=The Nature of Mind: The Thoughts of Shen-hui from Ho-tse |
著者 |
張國一=Chang, Gwo-yi
掲載誌 |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.7 |
出版年月日 | 2002.12 |
ページ | 49 - 77 |
出版者 | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:中國文化大學哲學博士華嚴專宗佛研所講師=Ph.D.,Department of Philosophy, Chinese Culture University Lecturer, Hua Yen Buddhist Institute |
キーワード | 無念; 摩訶般若波羅蜜; 自性起用 |
抄録 | 神會思想自現代研究中,多被理解為「偏向寂滅」,或被批評為「知解宗徒」.這樣的認識是否允當?從敦煌出土的七種神會文獻中,可以看見神會終其一生,遵循惠能「自性起用」禪法:重「作用」--而非僅說寂滅,確是神會禪中重要的一環,只不過這樣的思想,在他晚年洛陽時期才明確弘闡而已,這有賴對大量神會文獻作全面研究才容易看出. 而神會遣破無餘的立場,也是顯見的,「知解宗徒」的批評,與敦煌文獻中的神會並不相當. 本文盡可能蒐集了古今完整神會文獻,以此為基進行研究,神會的真面貌,還是只有依賴文獻來還原.
Many people in the field of modern Buddhist research have reckoned the thoughts of Shen-hui as being inclined towards a view of extinction. His thoughts have also been criticized as being "chi chueh tsung tu". Are these criticisms and interpretations valid? From among the historical documents unearthed from the Dun-huang that have to do Shen-hui,we can see that throughout Shen-hui's entire life,he upheld and followed Hui-neng's meditation method of Returning to One's Self Nature with the emphasis on function. Therefore,his thoughts do not only lean towards a view of extinction. The aforementioned concepts formed an important part of his thoughts, but it was only during the latter part of his years of the Luo-yang period that these thoughts of his were clearly propagated. It is easier to recognize this truth only when one relies on a great quantity of Shen-hui's historical documents when doing a complete research project on the subject. |
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
ヒット数 | 1235 |
作成日 | 2003.07.28.
更新日期 | 2017.07.25 |
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