明治時期(1873~1912)真宗大谷派在兩岸的活動=The Shinshū Otani-ha Activities Between Cross-straits During the Meiji Era (1873~1912) |
著者 |
闞正宗 (著)=Kan, Zheng-zong (au.)
掲載誌 |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.17 |
出版年月日 | 2011.08 |
ページ | 99 - 125 |
出版者 | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
ノート | 作者單位:佛光大學 |
キーワード | 真宗大谷派=Shinshū Otani-ha, Higashi Honganji, Jiawu War, Colonialism; 東本願寺=Higashi Honganji; 甲午戰爭=Jiawu War; 殖民主義=Colonialism; 義和團事件=Yihetuan Rebellion |
抄録 | 本文旨在討論明治時期(1873~1912)日本淨土真宗大谷(東本願寺)派在兩岸的活動。 近代日本佛教在華活動以真宗大谷派為始,其代表人物為小栗栖香頂(1931~1905),由於日本明治維新廢佛毀釋,真宗大谷派為求突圍與轉進,而展開入華開教。從早期互相提攜以抗西方宗教,到隨著國家主義尋求海外擴張,其初衷漸失,在甲午戰爭一役,首度取得臺灣作為殖民地,並以臺灣為跳板,經略華南一帶,尤其自明治31(1898)年起,真宗大谷派不斷派遣僧侶,或從日本本土,或從臺灣布教所轉赴福建,其開教熱烈的程度,比起臺灣有過之而無不及。 為將福建納入勢力範圍,明治33(1900)年趁著「義和團事件」,由東本願寺僧高松誓自焚廈門東本願寺,製造以利帝國日本佔領福建的藉口。雖然大谷派在兩岸布教由於歷史因素,不免高低起伏,但是,其作為帝國日本協力之角色卻始終未間斷。
The study aims to discuss the activities of Shinshū Otani-ha activities of Japanese Jōdo Shinshū Otani-ha (Higashi Honganji) between the Cross- straits during the Meiji era (1873~1912). Shinshū Otani-ha is considered as the beginning of Japanese Buddhism activities in China, with Ogurusukoucyou (1831~1905) as its exponent. Since Buddhism was prohibited and destroyed during the Meiji era, Shinshū Otani-ha extended its missionary activities in China for survival and development. Initially, the missionaries aimed at helping Japan and China oppose western religions. However, they lost their original purpose and sought to expand overseas due to national interest. In the Jiawu War, Japan colonized Taiwan in order to invade South China. During the 31st year of the Meiji era (1898), Shinshū Otani-ha sent monks from either Japan or the missionary organizations in Taiwan to Fujian province. This was also carried out earlier in Taiwan. As an excuse for Japan to invade and take control of Fujian province, Takamatsusei, the priest of Higashi Honganji burned himself in Xiamen Higashi Honganji during the the Yihetuan Rebellion in the 33rd year of the Meiji period (1900). Despite the changes in its activities between the Cross-straits due to historical influences, Shinshū Otani-ha remained an accomplice of the Japanese Empire.
目次 | 一、前言 102 二、小栗栖來華與東本願寺的開教 103 三、割臺後真宗大谷派的布教活動 107 四、真宗大谷派在福建的開教與困局 112 五、結語 123 |
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
ヒット数 | 1229 |
作成日 | 2013.08.05 |
更新日期 | 2017.08.09 |
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