禪與空之喻 ─ 由呂格爾詮釋學看「禪與空」之隱喻進路=The metaphor between Chan and Emptiness: the apporach on metaphor from Paul Ricoeur' s Hermeneutics on Chan and Emptiness |
著者 |
黃筱慧 (著)=Cristal, Huang (au.)
掲載誌 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
巻号 | n.73 |
出版年月日 | 2015.06.25 |
ページ | 127 - 153 |
出版者 | 正觀雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為東吳大學哲學系副教授 |
キーワード | 禪宗=Chan Chinese Buddhism; 詮釋學=Hermeneutics; 呂格爾=Ricoeur; 菩提=Pou- ti; 隱喻=metaphor; 意義=meaning |
抄録 | 本論文將綜覽相關的呂格爾之《活的隱喻》到《時間與敘事》時期,再到以敘事作為一種認同性的西方式思想路徑的討論,特別是其以呂格爾早期到中期之詮釋學的思想為主要方法內容。本文的新路徑是:將此引導到東方之禪與空的論斷公案文類,所可展現出的東方詮釋學進路。東方的中國佛學,以一種短的敘事性,例如公案,導引觀眾如醉地認同出了老和尚的工作,且甚或很奇特地認同出一種觀看的禪意盎然於少字、甚或無字之間。本文擬以此處理東方之詮釋禪宗視野下的:活的隱喻之路、以及本人近年處理的,時間中的敘事計畫(以對應與處理被敘事的時間之未竟之功),東方之禪與空的標準,形成出一種新的詮釋隱喻的實現。
the paper will observe relevant Ricoeur' s studies on early and middle stages on The Rule of Metaphor and Time and Narrative, and then to use narrative as main method for studies. The new approach is: to lead this method for Chan( in Chinese: Chan; in Japanese: Zen) Chinese Buddhism on short discourse, in order to demonstrate Oriental approach on Hermeneutics. Eastern Chinese Buddhism on the narrative of short discourse, for example Kung- An, will lead audience to identify the work of being a monk, and it may also specially identify the attitude of Chan on less wording, in reading for less between words, or even the trying to erase words as the entrance of reading. The paper wishes to deal with Oriental Hermeneutic approach under Chan Chinese Buddhism as a perspective: to show the path of metaphor alive, and the recent studies on the project of The Narrative in Time( in order to deal with Ricoeur' s unfinished project The Narrative Time), the standard of Oriental Chan and Emptiness are the realities of new Hermeneutic metaphor.
目次 | 1.在時間之中的詮釋:公案之解與禪意之始 129 2.呂格爾詮釋學之隱喻之用:禪宗公案與詩學進路 137 3.禪與空之隱喻 142 4.結語:禪與空之隱喻進路 146 |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
ヒット数 | 545 |
作成日 | 2015.08.11 |
更新日期 | 2017.09.07 |
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