

心靈的結構與物理=The Structure and Physics of Mind
著者 李嗣涔 (著)=Lee, Si-chen (au.)
掲載誌 佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号v.17 n.1
ページ6 - 16
出版サイト http://www.obf.org.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
E-mail: sclee0813@gmail.com
キーワード意識=Consciousness; 阿賴耶識=Alaya; 複數時空=complex space-time; 量子複數波函數=quantum complex wavefunction; 催眠術=hypnotism
抄録數百年來在唯物哲學主導科學發展的趨勢下,心靈被認為是大腦複雜神經網路所湧現的性質,並非實體而屬於第二性的,依附第一性的大腦而存在,只能從哲學或心理學層面予以描述其性質,並不具有物理的本質存在。我由 8 度複數時空宇宙模型(4 度實數加 4 度虛數)出發提出建議,凡是描述物體量子態的複數波函數的虛數就是心靈的物理本質,虛數的心靈必須掃描實數部分時空自旋幾何結構才能產生心靈的內容如個性、情緒、思想、記憶、判斷、行動等。佛教八識的前五識是覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺及觸覺 (色聲香味觸)五種感官器官的覺識是與生俱來而非學習所得,嬰兒出生就必須具有這些基本能力才能生存下去,因此 他們是自我第一人格所帶來的虛數意識。第六識意識則是大腦綜整外來五官信息及內在的記憶所產生的思想、情緒、判斷、行動等,靠自我第二人格來查覺與控制。
這與 Hameroff 與 Penrose 提出大腦產生意識的觀點類似,他們認為意識的基礎發生在神經元內之微管束(microtubule)的物質進入有序的量子狀態。腦神經細胞壁是由許多可形成量子穿隧效應的維管束組成,當感官刺激輸入時便會產生有序的量子狀態,當時間流逝疊加狀態會崩潰顯現唯一確定的狀態,意識就在客觀縮陷 (objective Reduction)時產生。我認為他們的模型已經接近意識的本質,不過意識產生的時間是錯誤的,意識的產生是形成疊加的量子複數狀態時產生,客觀縮陷時意識消失。第七識末那識是執著的本源,屬於個人無意識躲在第一人

The philosophy of materialism had dominated the trend of scientific development for hundreds of years, mind is always treated as not a real thing but a secondary property of brain which belongs to the emergent properties of the complicated brain neural network. Its existence depends on the material brain.
Therefore, mind has no intrinsic physical property and can only be described and explained from philosophical and psychological perspectives. I had proposed a model of universe consisting of 8 dimensional (8D) complex space-time in which 4D are real the other 4D are imaginary and hypothesized that the imaginary part of the complex wavefunction describing a quantum state represents the intrinsic physical basis of the consciousness. Mind is the consciousness with contents which is based on the the real part of the complex wavefunction. I believe that the imaginary consciousness must scan the geometrical spin space-time structure in the real part of the complex wavefunction to create the contents of mind such as personality, thought, memory,
emotion, judgement, action etc.
Buddhism classified the mind into eight consciousness, the first five senses, i.e., visual, auditory, nose, taste and touch, are innate and not learned, they are perceived by the imaginary consciousness of “ego” which is the center of
consciousness and called the first personality of consciousness. The new born baby cannot survive without these basic capabilities. The sixth consciousness comes out of the brain summarizing various external stimuli from five senses and internal memory, thoughts, emotion to forming a judgement and putting into action. These are handled by the “self” surrounding the central “ego” and are called the second personality of the consciousness. Our model of the sixth consciousness is similar to the viewpoint proposed by Hameroff and Penrose but with crirical difference. They suggested that the basis for consciousness occur inside the microtubules of neuron cells in the brain due to the formation and then objective reduction of an ordered quantum state. Neuron cells in the brain are composed of many microtubules which can communicate with each other through quantum tunneling, When the external stimuli are inputted from five senses and combined with internal thought to form an ordered quantum state, the superimposed quantum state my collapse as time passes when the energy of the state reaches a critical value, the consciousness emerges when the superimposed quantum states collapse and definite state is determined. I believe that their model is close to the real physics of consciousness but the moment of consciousness appearance is wrong. The consciousness emerges when superimposed quantum states are formed but disappears when they are objectively reduced. The seventh (Manas) consciousness is the origin of personal dedication which hided in the ego and cannot be perceived by the self. I suggest that it is composed of complicate geometrical spin space-time structure and belongs to the personal unconsciousness. The eighth (Alaya) consciousness is composed of divine eye and ego, divine eye may be formed when the saline water in certain par
目次壹、西方哲學對意識的認知 7
貳、西方心理學對心靈的認知 7
参、佛教唯識學對意識的認知 8
肆、意識的物理 9
伍、八識的區別 10
陸、催眠術或催眠療法所顯示的心靈結構 11
柒、結論 13
ISSN16072952 (P)

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