A Rite of Their Own: Japanese Buddhist Nuns and the Anan kōshiki |
著者 |
Ambros, Barbara
掲載誌 |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
巻号 | v.43 n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2016 |
ページ | 207 - 250 |
出版者 | Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture=南山宗教文化研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 名古屋, 日本 [Nagoya, Japan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | Barbara R. Ambros is a Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. |
キーワード | Ānanda; Mahāprajāpatī; nuns; Sōtō Zen; kōshiki; keka; Myōe; Kankō; Aoyama Shundō; Eight Pure Precepts; Eight Heavy Rules |
抄録 | This article presents a history of the Anan kōshiki, a chanted lecture dedicated to the Buddha’s disciple Ānanda. After briefly discussing its precursors in ancient India and China, I examine this ritual in three moments of time—its medieval Japanese origins, its early modern revitalization, and its contemporary performances and a contemporary commentary on the ritual. The ritual has been performed exclusively by Buddhist nuns in honor of Ānanda’s role in convincing the Buddha to admit women to the monastic order. I argue that the ritual has functioned polysemously for nuns, affirming their marginalization and lesser status vis-à-vis the male clergy, while also serving as a means for nuns to celebrate their gender difference as female monastics. The full translation of the Anan kōshiki appears in the online supplement of this JJRS issue. |
目次 | Precursors of the Anan kōshiki 209 The Composition of the Anan kōshiki in the Medieval Period 215 The Revitalization of the Ritual within a Sōtō Nuns’ Network 218 The Contents of the Anan kōshiki 223 Celebrating Difference: An Interpretation of the Anan kōshiki 227 Aoyama Shundō’s Commentary on the Anan kōshiki 237 Conclusion 245 References 246 |
ISSN | 03041042 (P) |
ヒット数 | 638 |
作成日 | 2016.07.11 |
更新日期 | 2017.09.14 |
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