

發現夏荊山佛畫境界在視覺藝術的創新與明心 =Discovery of Innovation and Insights of Xia Jing Shan’s Buddhist Painting Themes in the Field of Visual Art
著者 莊麗華 (著)=Chuang, Li-hua (au.)
掲載誌 夏荊山藝術論衡=Journal of Xia Jing Shan's Art
ページ91 - 119
出版サイト http://www.xjsacf.com/TW/Showroom02/ugC_ShowroomItem.asp
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード夏荊山居士=Xia Jing-shan; 文化藝術=culture and arts; 數位科技=technology
抄録 探討夏荊山佛教繪畫藝術中所表現的純熟技法,他的作品融合了中國畫的寫意、工筆畫的細膩與西洋畫的寫實,這樣的繪畫元素與形式技巧相較於當代媒體科技傳達的視覺藝術有折視覺經驗的大不同,但要傳達藝術文化的底蘊與人類智慧的核心,都有看似真實簡單卻有著深層的內涵與渴望。在利益至上的現代社會,夏荊山佛畫的所傳達的社會道德可擴大為說故事的有聲書和動畫體驗,更能有效發揚佛教繪畫中正向的情感教育,達到提升社會調和與文化藝術公益化的目標。

The discussion on skillful techniques expressed in Xia Jing Shan’s Buddhist paintings sheds the light on the integration of theme description and fineness features of Chinese painting and the realistic style of western painting. These painting elements and technique form are very distinct from visual art with illustrative experience conveyed by contemporary media technology, but these two types of art have simple but in-depth contents and desires to convey the essence of artistic culture and the core of human intelligence. In modern society that first looks for profit making, Xia Jing Shan’s Buddhist paintings convey us social morals presented in audio books and animations for more effective inspiration and promotion of positive emotional education of Buddhist paintings. Thus, the objectives to enhance social harmony and charity works of cultural art have been achieved. Xia Jing Shan’s painting and calligraphy works mainly convey Buddha’s mercy and wisdom. Through the presentation of religious themes of bamboo trees, running spring, and clouds, he creates Buddhism aesthetics to allow us to feel the serenity and selflessness. He paints Buddha with a pure and peaceful heart of an artist, and Buddha he paints enables us to put self aside for the achievement of truth, virtue, and aesthetics. This Zen realization plays a social role in the introduction of pure heart to Chinese aesthetics. Today people care more for visual senses, and if we are able to combine techniques and display media of digital technology, we are able to expand the interaction and value sharing of artistic elements with the general public. Compiling and discourse analysis of style presentation of various Guanyin Bodhisattv of Xia Jing Shan’s paintings are shown below: Theme Concept→ Features of Charactors→ Plotting→ Story Fabrication→ Healing from Zen Meditation. At the same time, diverse development of art creation should be encouraged. With contemporary new media technologies of photography, computer, TV and film, we should transform the development of consciousness of Buddhism aesthetics strategies and intangible essence into people’s self-perspective and mental and mind consciousness. Then we should develop the application value of widespread media exhibition space of series paintings with experimental animation, videography art, and drawing books to combine with religious culture and art for the development of cultural and creativity industry of visual art.
目次壹、主題概念 94
貳、人物特點 98
參、情境佈局 101
肆、故事虛擬 107
伍、禪定療癒 114
陸、文創產業 116
(一) 看圖說故事 116
(二)展演空間裝置 117
ISSN24126233 (P)

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